The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Archiv der Kategorie 'The State of the Media'

Vortrag: Robert Entman (GWU) — Mittwoch 6.5.2015 um 12:00 Uhr

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Comic-Reportagen: Der amerikanische “Comics Journalist” Joe Sacco und die Folgen

Thomas Greven, März 2015 Anmerkung: eine gekürzte, dafür bebilderte Version dieses Beitrags erschien am 30.03.2015 auf der Website des Tagesspiegels.  Joe Sacco und die Krise des amerikanischen Journalismus Eine Diskussion des Genres der Comic-Reportagen kann man wohl nur mit Joe Sacco beginnen. Der US-Amerikaner mit maltesischen Wurzeln, ausgebildeter Journalist, hat ab Anfang der 1990er Jahre […]

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Pew Center Publishes Report on State of the News Media

How does the American public receive information about political events? The same way most of us do: through the news media, of course. For better or worse, news media play an integral role in defining the topics we think about and the degree of our shared knowledge and understanding of the world. One might go […]

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Berlin Forum on Global Politics: Publication on TTIP

The Berlin Forum on Global Politics has just released a collaborative, inter-disciplinary collection of essays on the ongoing free-trade agreement negotiations between the United States and the European Union: „The free trade agreement (TAFTA | TTIP) currently being negotiated between the United States and the European Union has the potential to significantly impact the lives of people on both sides […]

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Most Underreported Stories 2013

The people over at Moyers and Company have introduced the end-of-year tradition on asking prominent writers, journalists and social scientists what stories were chronically underreported throughout the year. Among the topics: Climate Change, the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act or negotiations on major, global trade agreements such as the TPP. In the spirit of […]

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Op-ed on Iran’s nuclear program

Dealing with a Nuclear Iran: Focusing on ‚Known Unknowns‘ (Still) Makes for Poor Policy As the U.S. and Iran entered into a new round of negotiations on trade sanctions and Iran’s nuclear program, Western voters and policy elites would do well to admit that they might simply not be adequately informed to articulate well-founded political […]

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Shutdown Madness & Showdown in D.C.

Die Republikaner haben schon “gewonnen” von Curd Knüpfer Es ist ein liebgewonnenes Verhaltensmuster amerikanischer Medien, über Politik wie über ein Pferderennen zu berichten: wie über einen elitären Sport also, in dem es um viel Geld geht.[1] Wer liegt vorne? Wer verliert? Welche Strategie wird verfolgt und wer schickt welchen Gaul ins Rennen? Und immer gibt […]

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