From Subjects to Cyborgs

A seminar blog

Posts Tagged ‘power’

The thing about doors

Actor-Network-Theory starts from the assumption that all the ways in which we have hithereto understood actors – as natural, social or constructed – are inadequate in an age in which technology plays such an important role (Latour 1996). Instead, Latour and others have suggested to think of humans and things as networks – or associations […]

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The proliferation of discourse

Clearly Foucault’s later writings, such as “The subject and power” and the “Technologies of the self” lend themselves more easily to an interpretation of Foucault as by no means opposed to the idea of an acting subject.* His earlier writings, which focused more on language and discourse, at first glance seem to negate such acting […]

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The subject and power

Last Friday was our first real session and I greatly enjoyed the debate. Many questions remain open – and I will pose some of them next Monday in preparation of our next session. However, I did not want you to wait that long for a short recap of our session in the form of the […]

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Setting the stage for the subject

One of the key questions to answer when doing political theory is the question of what or who these humans are whose political world shall be described. And that is not an easy feat. In Classical Aristotelian philosophy, humans – like the other objects of nature – are defined by an innate purpose, a telos. […]

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