The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Transnational ‘Corporate Campaigns’: A Tool for Labor in the Global Economy?

Many unions have stepped up their efforts regarding cross-border cooperation, but serious impediments to effective transnational union activity remain. Unions are more tied to the institutional arrangements of the nation state and to their own organizational cultures. In the 1980s, U.S. unions developed the strategy of “corporate campaigns.” Today, this strategy is increasingly being employed transnationally. This paper first documents the characteristics of corporate campaigns and the experience of U.S. unions with this instrument. Secondly, one recent transnational application of the campaign strategy is analysed in more detail. The paper concludes that the instrument of transnational corporate campaigns is a promising strategic innovation for strengthening unions in the global economy.

Greven, Thomas (2003): Transnational ‘Corporate Campaigns’: A Tool for Labor in the Global Economy?

Erschienen in: International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 495-513.

Der Beitrag wurde am Mittwoch, den 4. Juli 2007 um 23:27 Uhr von Thomas Greven veröffentlicht und wurde unter Globalisierung, The State of the Union: Gewerkschaften in den USA abgelegt. Sie können die Kommentare zu diesem Eintrag durch den RSS 2.0 Feed verfolgen. Kommentare und Pings sind derzeit nicht erlaubt.

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