The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

International Workshop on Political Art and the Aesthetic-Political

Political Art and the Aesthetic-Political

International Workshop 

June 12-13, 2015, JFKI, Room 319


Conveners: Thomas Greven (FU Berlin), Robert Pirro (Georgia Southern University), Jasper Trautsch (University of Regensburg)


Friday, June 12

2:00pm – 4pm                       Panel 1: Film and TV

Chair: Robert Pirro (Georgia Southern University)

William Glass (University of Warsaw): Conservative Means to Feminist Ends: Private Benjamin and the Tropes of the Service Comedy

Andreas Etges (LMU): Commander in Chief – Commander in Charge? War, Crisis and the President in Hollywood Films

Guisseppe Sacco (Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli): Batman, an Imperiled Hero


Discussant: Thomas Greven (FU Berlin)


4-4:30pm Coffee Break



4:30pm  – 6:30pm                 Panel 2: Images and Comics

Chair: Jasper Trautsch (University of Regensburg)

Oli Keinath (Berlin): The Art and Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility PR

Thomas Greven (FU Berlin): The Ninth Art and Hegemony

Birte Wege (FU Berlin): A Documentary of Documentation: MLK, Civil Rights Photography, and Graphic Narrative

Discussants: Robert Pirro (GSU), Marius Dahmen (FU Berlin)



Saturday, June 13

10am – 12:30pm       Keynote Lecture: Josef Chytry (California College of the Arts)

From the Aesthetic State to the Aesthetic-Political (via the Aistheterion?)

Introduction by Robert Pirro (Georgia Southern University)


12:30pm – 2pm         Brown Bag Lunch


2pm – 4 pm                Panel 3: Varieties of Aesthetic Politics

Chair: Curd Knüpfer (FU Berlin)

Sherry Lee Linkon: (Georgetown University): Rust Belt Chic: Twenty-first Century Narratives of Industrial Heritage

Robert Pirro (GSU): Hannah Arendt’s Politics of Tragedy

Discussants: Josef Chytry (California College of the Arts), Frank Fischer (Rutgers University/Kassel University)

4pm – 5pm                Final Discussion


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