The State of American Democracy

Research-based Analysis and Commentary by the Department of Politics at the John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Archiv der Kategorie 'Globalisierung'

Neue Brücken über den Atlantik? Transnationale Strategien der US-Gewerkschaften

Greven, thomas (2007): Neue Brücken über den Atlantik? Transnationale Strategien der US-Gewerkschaften Erschienen in: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Fokus America, No. 5, 2007, Washington, D.C.

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The New Dynamic of German-American Union Interaction in the Evolving Transatlantic Civil Society

Greven, Thomas (2006): The New Dynamic of German-American Union Interaction in the Evolving Transatlantic Civil Society Despite the widespread rhetoric of internationalism, international relations between unions have often been characterized by competition and distrust, in part based on the institutionalization of unions at the level of the nation-state. The globalization of the economy has exacerbated […]

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Social Standards in Bilateral and Regional Trade and Investment Agreements. Instruments, Enforcement, and Policy Options for Trade Unions

Greven, Thomas (2005): Social Standards in Bilateral and Regional Trade and Investment Agreements. Instruments, Enforcement, and Policy Options for Trade Unions Despite efforts of the ILO, no viable multilateral labor rights regime has been established. At the same time, an increasingly global economy requires such regimes in order to prevent ruinous competition between countries competing […]

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