We warmly congratulate Dr. Strupler on the publication of his doctoral dissertation, „Fouilles Archéologiques de la Ville Basse I (1935-1978): Analyse de l’occupation de l’âge du Bronze de la Westterrasse.“ The book has been published as the 28th volume in the series „Boğazköy-Ḫattuša: Results of the Excavations.“
This book is dedicated to the research of the residential area in the Lower Town of Boğazköy during the 2nd millennium B.C. The area was mainly excavated between 1970 and 1977, but no comprehensive publication of the results had been made available until now. The examination and analysis of the finds and features of the residential area presented in this study reveal a new facet of the urban life of the city. The methodological approach is based on procedures of digital archaeology, and a main focus of the work is the distribution of the small finds from the 2nd millennium BC, which were interpreted as indicators of activities and contextualized by spatial analysis. To ensure that the conclusions are replicable, the research data were digitally processed and made available to the reader in a transparent form via digital archives. Thus, this work foregrounds the standards of Open Science and deploys methods of Digital Archaeology profitably
The dissertation was awarded the 2022 Dissertation Prize of the Franco-German University.
The archival data on which the work is based can be accessed via the DAI data portal IANUS. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.13149/mmfm-ka36; http://doi.org/10.13149/mmfm-ka36-2)
A digital edition will be available at iDAI.publications two years after the printed edition has been published (DOI: https://doi.org/10.34780/v0e8-6una).
For more information on the volume and the table of contents, please visit the publisher’s website. (https://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/Fouilles_Arch%C3%A9ologiques_de_la_Ville_Basse_I_(1935%E2%80%931978)/titel_7165.ahtml)