13. Lena Lavinas

Lena Lavinas is a Professor of Welfare Economics at the Institute of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and currently Associate Research in the Department of Economics at SOAS, University of London (2022-2024).

She is Associate Fellow at several research centers. In 2021-2022 she was a Leverhulme Visiting Professor at SOAS, University of London. In 2020-2021, she was a Member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at Princeton and in 2016-2017 she was a Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study-WIKO). Most of her research examines how welfare regimes adjust to changes in contemporary capitalism, especially under the aegis of financialization. She conducts comparative analysis with a focus on Brazil and Latin America and countries of the Global South investigating how the restructuring of the social reproduction sphere reshapes social policies and impacts wellbeing. Her latest book: The Takeover of Social Policy by Financialization: The Brazilian paradox (Palgrave Macmillan 2017). She has published extensively on the financialization of welfare regimes and social policy reforms.

Algunas preguntas a Lena:

¿Qué es lo que te conecta con el LAI?

I was a research fellow at desigualdades.net and also have been invited to give talks and participate in seminar meetings

Describe brevemente que estás haciendo en este puesto de trabajo.

Teaching and doing research on the financialization of welfare regimes.

¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de tu trabajo?


¿Qué es lo más complejo / difícil?

Managing time, I am always behind schedule

¿Qué dirías a un estudiante que busca un camino profesional parecido al tuyo? ¿Qué le aconsejarías?

Passion, curiosity and rebellion. Seek your own path

¿Qué es lo que te motiva en tu vida y en tu carrera?

Understanding and change

¿Cómo llegaste hasta donde estás ahora (profesionalmente)

Working hard and sharing ideals, ideas and projects with fantastic fellow colleagues

Tu consejo/ motto general (y sabio)…

Never give up

Compartes un contacto para que te contacten lxs estudiantes del LAI? (por favor, indique el e-mail / contacto)

Sí (Contáctenos en alumni@lai.fu-berlin para recibir el correo electrónico.)

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