Organized Creativity Blog

Practices for Inducing and Coping with Uncertainty

Lecture Announcement: OC-Project „Regulatory Uncertainty“ will present first research findings at international conferences

The Organized Creativity Project I.4 „Organizing Creativity under Regulatory Uncertainty: Challenges of Intellectual Property“ will be represented at two international conferences:

Berlin/Innsbruck/Duisburg-Essen, April 6, 2017

1. with Lectures at 29th Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Meeting, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – Campus Rockefeller, Lyon, France, June 29 – July 1, 2017

a) by Katharina Zangerle, Title: Dealing with Regulatory Uncertainty through Categorization and Justification – the Case of Viagra Patent Litigation

b) by Konstantin Hondros, Title: Justifying Intellectual Property – Analyzing Court Cases of the Music Business

2. with Lecture at 33rd EGOS Colloquium „The Good Organization: Aspirations, Interventions, Struggles“, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark, July 6–8, 2017, by

Leonhard Dobusch, Konstantin Hondros, Sigrid Quack, Katharina Zangerle: Competition, Cooperation and Creativity: The Role of Intellectual Property in Arts and Science


Scholars from economic geography, management studies and organizational sociology participate in the interdisciplinary DFG Research Unit “Organized Creativity” that started working in Summer 2016. The Research Unit is coordinated by Jörg Sydow, School of Business & Economics, Freie Universität Berlin. For more information visit Organized Creativity Homepage or sign up as a follower on Research Gate

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