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u.push(this.getClass("abutted")),g.forEach(function(t){u.push(e.getClass("abutted")+"-"+t)}),d.length&&p.push(this.getClass("abutted")),d.forEach(function(t){p.push(e.getClass("abutted")+"-"+t)}),T(function(){e.options.addTargetClasses!==!1&&c(,p,u),c(e.element,p,u)}),!0}});var M=function(){function t(t,e){var o=[],i=!0,n=!1,r=void 0;try{for(var s,a=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(i=(,!e||o.length!==e);i=!0);}catch(f){n=!0,r=f}finally{try{!i&&a["return"]&&a["return"]()}finally{if(n)throw r}}return o}return function(e,o){if(Array.isArray(e))return e;if(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))return t(e,o);throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}}();return C.modules.push({position:function(t){var,o=t.left;if(this.options.shift){var i=this.options.shift;"function"==typeof this.options.shift&&(,{top:e,left:o}));var n=void 0,r=void 0;if("string"==typeof i){i=i.split(" "),i[1]=i[1]||i[0];var s=M(i,2);n=s[0],r=s[1],n=parseFloat(n,10),r=parseFloat(r,10)}else,r=i.left;return e+=n,o+=r,{top:e,left:o}}}}),R});
H5P.Tether = Tether;
window.Tether = oldTether;
var oldDrop = window.Drop;
var oldTether = window.Tether;
Tether = H5P.Tether;
!function(t,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["tether"],e):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e(require("tether")):t.Drop=e(t.Tether)}(this,function(t){"use strict";function e(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function n(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof e);t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(t,e):t.__proto__=e)}function o(t){var e=t.split(" "),n=a(e,2),o=n[0],i=n[1];if(["left","right"].indexOf(o)>=0){var s=[i,o];o=s[0],i=s[1]}return[o,i].join(" ")}function i(t,e){for(var n=void 0,o=[];-1!==(n=t.indexOf(e));)o.push(t.splice(n,1));return o}function s(){var a=arguments.length<=0||void 0===arguments[0]?{}:arguments[0],u=function(){for(var t=arguments.length,e=Array(t),n=0;t>n;n++)e[n]=arguments[n];return new(r.apply(b,[null].concat(e)))};p(u,{createContext:s,drops:[],defaults:{}});var g={classPrefix:"drop",defaults:{position:"bottom left",openOn:"click",beforeClose:null,constrainToScrollParent:!0,constrainToWindow:!0,classes:"",remove:!1,tetherOptions:{}}};p(u,g,a),p(u.defaults,g.defaults,a.defaults),"undefined"==typeof x[u.classPrefix]&&(x[u.classPrefix]=[]),u.updateBodyClasses=function(){for(var t=!1,e=x[u.classPrefix],n=e.length,o=0;n>o;++o)if(e[o].isOpened()){t=!0;break}t?d(document.body,u.classPrefix+"-open"):c(document.body,u.classPrefix+"-open")};var b=function(s){function r(t){if(e(this,r),l(Object.getPrototypeOf(r.prototype),"constructor",this).call(this),this.options=p({},u.defaults,t),,"undefined"==typeof new Error("Drop Error: You must provide a target.");var n="data-"+u.classPrefix,;o&&(this.options.content=o);for(var i=["position","openOn"],s=0;s<i.length;++s){var"-"+i[s]);a&&(this.options[i[s]]=a)}this.options.classes&&this.options.addTargetClasses!==!1&&d(,this.options.classes),u.drops.push(this),x[u.classPrefix].push(this),this._boundEvents=[],this.bindMethods(),this.setupElements(),this.setupEvents(),this.setupTether()}return n(r,s),h(r,[{key:"_on",value:function(t,e,n){this._boundEvents.push({element:t,event:e,handler:n}),t.addEventListener(e,n)}},{key:"bindMethods",value:function(){this.transitionEndHandler=this._transitionEndHandler.bind(this)}},{key:"setupElements",value:function(){var t=this;if(this.drop=document.createElement("div"),d(this.drop,u.classPrefix),this.options.classes&&d(this.drop,this.options.classes),this.content=document.createElement("div"),d(this.content,u.classPrefix+"-content"),"function"==typeof this.options.content){var e=function(){var,t);if("string"==typeof e)t.content.innerHTML=e;else{if("object"!=typeof e)throw new Error("Drop Error: Content function should return a string or HTMLElement.");t.content.innerHTML="",t.content.appendChild(e)}};e(),this.on("open",e.bind(this))}else"object"==typeof this.options.content?this.content.appendChild(this.options.content):this.content.innerHTML=this.options.content;this.drop.appendChild(this.content)}},{key:"setupTether",value:function(){var e=this.options.position.split(" ");e[0]=E[e[0]],e=e.join(" ");var n=[];this.options.constrainToScrollParent?n.push({to:"scrollParent",pin:"top, bottom",attachment:"together none"}):n.push({to:"scrollParent"}),this.options.constrainToWindow!==!1?n.push({to:"window",attachment:"together"}):n.push({to:"window"});var i={element:this.drop,,attachment:o(e),targetAttachment:o(this.options.position),classPrefix:u.classPrefix,offset:"0 0",targetOffset:"0 0",enabled:!1,constraints:n,addTargetClasses:this.options.addTargetClasses};this.options.tetherOptions!==!1&&(this.tether=new t(p({},i,this.options.tetherOptions)))}},{key:"setupEvents",value:function(){var t=this;if(this.options.openOn){if("always"===this.options.openOn)return void setTimeout(;var e=this.options.openOn.split(" ");if(e.indexOf("click")>=0)for(var n=function(e){t.toggle(e),e.preventDefault()},o=function(e){t.isOpened()&&(||t.drop.contains(||||||t.close(e))},i=0;i<y.length;++i){var s=y[i];this._on(,s,n),this._on(document,s,o)}var r=!1,a=null,h=function(e){r=!0,},l=function(e){r=!1,"undefined"!=typeof a&&clearTimeout(a),a=setTimeout(function(){r||t.close(e),a=null},50)};e.indexOf("hover")>=0&&(this._on(,"mouseover",h),this._on(this.drop,"mouseover",h),this._on(,"mouseout",l),this._on(this.drop,"mouseout",l)),e.indexOf("focus")>=0&&(this._on(,"focus",h),this._on(this.drop,"focus",h),this._on(,"blur",l),this._on(this.drop,"blur",l))}}},{key:"isOpened",value:function(){return this.drop?f(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-open"):void 0}},{key:"toggle",value:function(t){this.isOpened()?this.close(t)}},{key:"open",value:function(t){var e=this;this.isOpened()||(this.drop.parentNode||document.body.appendChild(this.drop),"undefined"!=typeof this.tether&&this.tether.enable(),d(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-open"),d(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-open-transitionend"),setTimeout(function(){e.drop&&d(e.drop,u.classPrefix+"-after-open")}),"undefined"!=typeof this.tether&&this.tether.position(),this.trigger("open"),u.updateBodyClasses())}},{key:"_transitionEndHandler",value:function(t){,u.classPrefix+"-open")||c(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-open-transitionend"),this.drop.removeEventListener(m,this.transitionEndHandler))}},{key:"beforeCloseHandler",value:function(t){var e=!0;return this.isClosing||"function"!=typeof this.options.beforeClose||(this.isClosing=!0,e=this.options.beforeClose(t,this)!==!1),this.isClosing=!1,e}},{key:"close",value:function(t){this.isOpened()&&this.beforeCloseHandler(t)&&(c(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-open"),c(this.drop,u.classPrefix+"-after-open"),this.drop.addEventListener(m,this.transitionEndHandler),this.trigger("close"),"undefined"!=typeof this.tether&&this.tether.disable(),u.updateBodyClasses(),this.options.remove&&this.remove(t))}},{key:"remove",value:function(t){this.close(t),this.drop.parentNode&&this.drop.parentNode.removeChild(this.drop)}},{key:"position",value:function(){this.isOpened()&&"undefined"!=typeof this.tether&&this.tether.position()}},{key:"destroy",value:function(){this.remove(),"undefined"!=typeof this.tether&&this.tether.destroy();for(var t=0;t<this._boundEvents.length;++t){var e=this._boundEvents[t],n=e.element,o=e.event,s=e.handler;n.removeEventListener(o,s)}this._boundEvents=[],this.tether=null,this.drop=null,this.content=null,,i(x[u.classPrefix],this),i(u.drops,this)}}]),r}(v);return u}var r=Function.prototype.bind,a=function(){function t(t,e){var n=[],o=!0,i=!1,s=void 0;try{for(var r,a=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(o=(,!e||n.length!==e);o=!0);}catch(h){i=!0,s=h}finally{try{!o&&a["return"]&&a["return"]()}finally{if(i)throw s}}return n}return function(e,n){if(Array.isArray(e))return e;if(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))return t(e,n);throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}}(),h=function(){function t(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var o=e[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,o.key,o)}}return function(e,n,o){return n&&t(e.prototype,n),o&&t(e,o),e}}(),l=function(t,e,n){for(var o=!0;o;){var i=t,s=e,r=n;a=l=h=void 0,o=!1,null===i&&(i=Function.prototype);var a=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i,s);if(void 0!==a){if("value"in a)return a.value;var h=a.get;return void 0===h?void}var l=Object.getPrototypeOf(i);if(null===l)return void 0;t=l,e=s,n=r,o=!0}},u=t.Utils,p=u.extend,d=u.addClass,c=u.removeClass,f=u.hasClass,v=u.Evented,y=["click"];"ontouchstart"in document.documentElement&&y.push("touchstart");var g={WebkitTransition:"webkitTransitionEnd",MozTransition:"transitionend",OTransition:"otransitionend",transition:"transitionend"},m="";for(var b in g)if({},b)){var O=document.createElement("p");"undefined"!=typeof[b]&&(m=g[b])}var E={left:"right",right:"left",top:"bottom",bottom:"top",middle:"middle",center:"center"},x={},P=s();return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){P.updateBodyClasses()}),P});
H5P.Drop = Drop;
window.Drop = oldDrop;
window.Tether = oldTether;
var H5P = H5P || {};
 * Transition contains helper function relevant for transitioning
H5P.Transition = (function ($) {

   * @class
   * @namespace H5P
  Transition = {};

   * @private
  Transition.transitionEndEventNames = {
    'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
    'transition':       'transitionend',
    'MozTransition':    'transitionend',
    'OTransition':      'oTransitionEnd',
    'msTransition':     'MSTransitionEnd'

   * @private
  Transition.cache = [];

   * Get the vendor property name for an event
   * @function H5P.Transition.getVendorPropertyName
   * @static
   * @private
   * @param  {string} prop Generic property name
   * @return {string}      Vendor specific property name
  Transition.getVendorPropertyName = function (prop) {

    if (Transition.cache[prop] !== undefined) {
      return Transition.cache[prop];

    var div = document.createElement('div');

    // Handle unprefixed versions (FF16+, for example)
    if (prop in {
      Transition.cache[prop] = prop;
    else {
      var prefixes = ['Moz', 'Webkit', 'O', 'ms'];
      var prop_ = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1);

      if (prop in {
        Transition.cache[prop] = prop;
      else {
        for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) {
          var vendorProp = prefixes[i] + prop_;
          if (vendorProp in {
            Transition.cache[prop] = vendorProp;

    return Transition.cache[prop];

   * Get the name of the transition end event
   * @static
   * @private
   * @return {string}  description
  Transition.getTransitionEndEventName = function () {
    return Transition.transitionEndEventNames[Transition.getVendorPropertyName('transition')] || undefined;

   * Helper function for listening on transition end events
   * @function H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd
   * @static
   * @param  {domElement} $element The element which is transitioned
   * @param  {function} callback The callback to be invoked when transition is finished
   * @param  {number} timeout  Timeout in milliseconds. Fallback if transition event is never fired
  Transition.onTransitionEnd = function ($element, callback, timeout) {
    // Fallback on 1 second if transition event is not supported/triggered
    timeout = timeout || 1000;
    Transition.transitionEndEventName = Transition.transitionEndEventName || Transition.getTransitionEndEventName();
    var callbackCalled = false;

    var doCallback = function () {
      if (callbackCalled) {
      $, callback);
      callbackCalled = true;

    var timer = setTimeout(function () {
    }, timeout);

    $element.on(Transition.transitionEndEventName, function () {

   * Wait for a transition - when finished, invokes next in line
   * @private
   * @param {Object[]}    transitions             Array of transitions
   * @param {H5P.jQuery}  transitions[].$element  Dom element transition is performed on
   * @param {number=}     transitions[].timeout   Timeout fallback if transition end never is triggered
   * @param {bool=}       transitions[].break     If true, sequence breaks after this transition
   * @param {number}      index                   The index for current transition
  var runSequence = function (transitions, index) {
    if (index >= transitions.length) {

    var transition = transitions[index];
    H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(transition.$element, function () {
      if (transition.end) {
      if (transition.break !== true) {
        runSequence(transitions, index+1);
    }, transition.timeout || undefined);

   * Run a sequence of transitions
   * @function H5P.Transition.sequence
   * @static
   * @param {Object[]}    transitions             Array of transitions
   * @param {H5P.jQuery}  transitions[].$element  Dom element transition is performed on
   * @param {number=}     transitions[].timeout   Timeout fallback if transition end never is triggered
   * @param {bool=}       transitions[].break     If true, sequence breaks after this transition
  Transition.sequence = function (transitions) {
    runSequence(transitions, 0);

  return Transition;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * Class responsible for creating a help text dialog
H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog = (function ($) {

  var numInstances = 0;
   * Display a pop-up containing a message.
   * @param {H5P.jQuery}  $container  The container which message dialog will be appended to
   * @param {string}      message     The message
   * @param {string}      closeButtonTitle The title for the close button
   * @return {H5P.jQuery}
  function JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle) {;

    var self = this;

    var headerId = 'joubel-help-text-header-' + numInstances;
    var helpTextId = 'joubel-help-text-body-' + numInstances;

    var $helpTextDialogBox = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-box',
      'role': 'dialog',
      'aria-labelledby': headerId,
      'aria-describedby': helpTextId

    $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-background'

    var $helpTextDialogContainer = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-dialog-container'

    $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-header',
      'id': headerId,
      'role': 'header',
      'html': header

    $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-body',
      'id': helpTextId,
      'html': message,
      'role': 'document',
      'tabindex': 0

    var handleClose = function () {

    var $closeButton = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-help-text-remove',
      'role': 'button',
      'title': closeButtonTitle,
      'tabindex': 1,
      'click': handleClose,
      'keydown': function (event) {
        // 32 - space, 13 - enter
        if ([32, 13].indexOf(event.which) !== -1) {

     * Get the DOM element
     * @return {HTMLElement}
    self.getElement = function () {
      return $helpTextDialogBox;

    self.focus = function () {

  JoubelHelpTextDialog.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
  JoubelHelpTextDialog.prototype.constructor = JoubelHelpTextDialog;

  return JoubelHelpTextDialog;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * Class responsible for creating auto-disappearing dialogs
H5P.JoubelMessageDialog = (function ($) {

   * Display a pop-up containing a message.
   * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The container which message dialog will be appended to
   * @param {string} message The message
   * @return {H5P.jQuery}
  function JoubelMessageDialog ($container, message) {
    var timeout;

    var removeDialog = function () {

    // Create warning popup:
    var $warning = $('<div/>', {
      'class': 'joubel-message-dialog',
      text: message

    // Remove after 3 seconds or if user clicks anywhere in $container:
    timeout = setTimeout(removeDialog, 3000);
    $container.on('click.messageDialog', removeDialog);

    return $warning;

  return JoubelMessageDialog;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * Class responsible for creating a circular progress bar

H5P.JoubelProgressCircle = (function ($) {

   * Constructor for the Progress Circle
   * @param {Number} number The amount of progress to display
   * @param {string} progressColor Color for the progress meter
   * @param {string} backgroundColor Color behind the progress meter
  function ProgressCircle(number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor) {
    progressColor = progressColor || '#1a73d9';
    fillColor = fillColor || '#f0f0f0';
    backgroundColor = backgroundColor || '#ffffff';
    var progressColorRGB = this.hexToRgb(progressColor);

    //Verify number
    try {
      number = Number(number);
      if (number === '') {
        throw 'is empty';
      if (isNaN(number)) {
        throw 'is not a number';
    } catch (e) {
      number = 'err';

    //Draw circle
    if (number > 100) {
      number = 100;

    // We can not use rgba, since they will stack on top of each other.
    // Instead we create the equivalent of the rgba color
    // and applies this to the activeborder and background color.
    var progressColorString = 'rgb(' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.r, 10) +
      ',' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.g, 10) +
      ',' + parseInt(progressColorRGB.b, 10) + ')';

    // Circle wrapper
    var $wrapper = $('<div/>', {
      'class': "joubel-progress-circle-wrapper"

    //Active border indicates progress
    var $activeBorder = $('<div/>', {
      'class': "joubel-progress-circle-active-border"

    //Background circle
    var $backgroundCircle = $('<div/>', {
      'class': "joubel-progress-circle-circle"

    //Progress text/number
    $('<span/>', {
      'text': number + '%',
      'class': "joubel-progress-circle-percentage"

    var deg = number * 3.6;
    if (deg <= 180) {
        'linear-gradient(' + (90 + deg) + 'deg, transparent 50%, ' + fillColor + ' 50%),' +
        'linear-gradient(90deg, ' + fillColor + ' 50%, transparent 50%)')
        .css('border', '2px solid' + backgroundColor)
        .css('background-color', progressColorString);
    } else {
        'linear-gradient(' + (deg - 90) + 'deg, transparent 50%, ' + progressColorString + ' 50%),' +
        'linear-gradient(90deg, ' + fillColor + ' 50%, transparent 50%)')
        .css('border', '2px solid' + backgroundColor)
        .css('background-color', progressColorString);

    this.$activeBorder = $activeBorder;
    this.$backgroundCircle = $backgroundCircle;
    this.$wrapper = $wrapper;


    return $wrapper;

   * Initializes resize functionality for the progress circle
  ProgressCircle.prototype.initResizeFunctionality = function () {
    var self = this;

    $(window).resize(function () {
      // Queue resize
      setTimeout(function () {

    // First resize
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);

   * Resize function makes progress circle grow or shrink relative to parent container
  ProgressCircle.prototype.resize = function () {
    var $parent = this.$wrapper.parent();

    if ($parent !== undefined && $parent) {

      // Measurements
      var fontSize = parseInt($parent.css('font-size'), 10);

      // Static sizes
      var fontSizeMultiplum = 3.75;
      var progressCircleWidthPx = parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) % 2 === 0 ? parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) + 4 : parseInt((fontSize / 4.5), 10) + 5;
      var progressCircleOffset = progressCircleWidthPx / 2;

      var width = fontSize * fontSizeMultiplum;
      var height = fontSize * fontSizeMultiplum;
        'width': width,
        'height': height

        'width': width - progressCircleWidthPx,
        'height': height - progressCircleWidthPx,
        'top': progressCircleOffset,
        'left': progressCircleOffset

   * Hex to RGB conversion
   * @param hex
   * @returns {{r: Number, g: Number, b: Number}}
  ProgressCircle.prototype.hexToRgb = function (hex) {
    var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
    return result ? {
      r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
      g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
      b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
    } : null;

  return ProgressCircle;

var H5P = H5P || {};

H5P.SimpleRoundedButton = (function ($) {

   * Creates a new tip
  function SimpleRoundedButton(text) {

    var $simpleRoundedButton = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'joubel-simple-rounded-button',
      'title': text,
      'role': 'button',
      'tabindex': '0'
    }).keydown(function (e) {
      // 32 - space, 13 - enter
      if ([32, 13].indexOf(e.which) !== -1) {

    $('<span>', {
      'class': 'joubel-simple-rounded-button-text',
      'html': text

    return $simpleRoundedButton;

  return SimpleRoundedButton;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * Class responsible for creating speech bubbles
H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble = (function ($) {

  var $currentSpeechBubble;
  var $currentContainer;  
  var $tail;
  var $innerTail;
  var removeSpeechBubbleTimeout;
  var currentMaxWidth;

  var DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH = 400;

  var iDevice = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod|iPhone|iPad/g) ? true : false;

   * Creates a new speech bubble
   * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The speaking object
   * @param {string} text The text to display
   * @param {number} maxWidth The maximum width of the bubble
   * @return {H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble}
  function JoubelSpeechBubble($container, text, maxWidth) {
    maxWidth = maxWidth || DEFAULT_MAX_WIDTH;
    currentMaxWidth = maxWidth;
    $currentContainer = $container;

    this.isCurrent = function ($tip) {
      return $$currentContainer);

    this.remove = function () {

    var fadeOutSpeechBubble = function ($speechBubble) {
      if (!$speechBubble) {

      // Stop removing bubble

      setTimeout(function () {
        if ($speechBubble) {
          $speechBubble = undefined;
      }, 500);

    if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined) {

    var $h5pContainer = getH5PContainer($container);

    // Make sure we fade out old speech bubble

    // Create bubble
    $tail = $('<div class="joubel-speech-bubble-tail"></div>');
    $innerTail = $('<div class="joubel-speech-bubble-inner-tail"></div>');
    var $innerBubble = $(
      '<div class="joubel-speech-bubble-inner">' +
      '<div class="joubel-speech-bubble-text">' + text + '</div>' +

    $currentSpeechBubble = $(
      '<div class="joubel-speech-bubble" aria-live="assertive">'
    ).append([$tail, $innerBubble])

    // Show speech bubble with transition
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 0);

    position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail);

    // Handle click to close
    H5P.$body.on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick);

    // Handle window resizing
    H5P.$window.on('resize', '', handleResize);

    // Handle clicks when inside IV which blocks bubbling.
      .on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick);

    if (iDevice) {
      H5P.$body.css('cursor', 'pointer');

    return this;

  // Remove speechbubble if it belongs to a dom element that is about to be hidden
  H5P.externalDispatcher.on('domHidden', function (event) {
    if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined &&$dom.find($currentContainer).length !== 0) {

   * Returns the closest h5p container for the given DOM element.
   * @param {object} $container jquery element
   * @return {object} the h5p container (jquery element)
  function getH5PContainer($container) {
    var $h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-frame');

    // Check closest h5p frame first, then check for container in case there is no frame.
    if (!$h5pContainer.length) {
      $h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-container');

    return $h5pContainer;

   * Event handler that is called when the window is resized.
  function handleResize() {
    position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, currentMaxWidth, $tail, $innerTail);

   * Repositions the speech bubble according to the position of the container.
   * @param {object} $currentSpeechbubble the speech bubble that should be positioned   
   * @param {object} $container the container to which the speech bubble should point 
   * @param {number} maxWidth the maximum width of the speech bubble
   * @param {object} $tail the tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container)
   * @param {object} $innerTail the inner tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container)
  function position($currentSpeechBubble, $container, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail) {
    var $h5pContainer = getH5PContainer($container);

    // Calculate offset between the button and the h5p frame
    var offset = getOffsetBetween($h5pContainer, $container);

    var direction = (offset.bottom > ? 'bottom' : 'top');
    var tipWidth = offset.outerWidth * 0.9; // Var needs to be renamed to make sense
    var bubbleWidth = tipWidth > maxWidth ? maxWidth : tipWidth;

    var bubblePosition = getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset);
    var tailPosition = getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, $container.width());
    // Need to set font-size, since element is appended to body.
    // Using same font-size as parent. In that way it will grow accordingly
    // when resizing
    var fontSize = 16;//parseFloat($parent.css('font-size'));

    // Set width and position of speech bubble

    var preparedTailCSS = tailCSS(direction, tailPosition);

   * Static function for removing the speechbubble
  var remove = function () {
    H5P.$'resize', '', handleResize);
    if (iDevice) {
      H5P.$body.css('cursor', '');
    if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined) {
      // Apply transition, then remove speech bubble

      // Make sure we remove any old timeout before reassignment
      removeSpeechBubbleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
        $currentSpeechBubble = undefined;
      }, 500);
    // Don't return false here. If the user e.g. clicks a button when the bubble is visible,
    // we want the bubble to disapear AND the button to receive the event

   * Remove the speech bubble and container reference
  function handleOutsideClick(event) {
    if ( === $currentContainer[0]) {
      return; // Button clicks are not outside clicks

    // There is no current container when a container isn't clicked
    $currentContainer = undefined;

   * Calculate position for speech bubble
   * @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble
   * @param {object} offset
   * @return {object} Return position for the speech bubble
  function getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset) {
    var bubblePosition = {};

    var tailOffset = 9;
    var widthOffset = bubbleWidth / 2;

    // Calculate top position = + offset.innerHeight;

    // Calculate bottom position
    bubblePosition.bottom = offset.bottom + offset.innerHeight + tailOffset;

    // Calculate left position
    if (offset.left < widthOffset) {
      bubblePosition.left = 3;
    else if ((offset.left + widthOffset) > offset.outerWidth) {
      bubblePosition.left = offset.outerWidth - bubbleWidth - 3;
    else {
      bubblePosition.left = offset.left - widthOffset + (offset.innerWidth / 2);

    return bubblePosition;

   * Calculate position for speech bubble tail
   * @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble
   * @param {object} bubblePosition Speech bubble position
   * @param {object} offset
   * @param {number} iconWidth The width of the tip icon
   * @return {object} Return position for the tail
  function getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, iconWidth) {
    var tailPosition = {};
    // Magic numbers. Tuned by hand so that the tail fits visually within
    // the bounds of the speech bubble.
    var leftBoundary = 9;
    var rightBoundary = bubbleWidth - 20;

    tailPosition.left = offset.left - bubblePosition.left + (iconWidth / 2) - 6;
    if (tailPosition.left < leftBoundary) {
      tailPosition.left = leftBoundary;
    if (tailPosition.left > rightBoundary) {
      tailPosition.left = rightBoundary;
    } = -6;
    tailPosition.bottom = -6;

    return tailPosition;

   * Return bubble CSS for the desired growth direction
   * @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow
   * @param {number} width The width of the speech bubble
   * @param {object} position Speech bubble position
   * @param {number} fontSize The size of the bubbles font
   * @return {object} Return CSS
  function bubbleCSS(direction, width, position, fontSize) {
    if (direction === 'top') {
      return {
        width: width + 'px',
        bottom: position.bottom + 'px',
        left: position.left + 'px',
        fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
        top: ''
    else {
      return {
        width: width + 'px',
        top: + 'px',
        left: position.left + 'px',
        fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
        bottom: ''

   * Return tail CSS for the desired growth direction
   * @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow
   * @param {object} position Tail position
   * @return {object} Return CSS
  function tailCSS(direction, position) {
    if (direction === 'top') {
      return {
        bottom: position.bottom + 'px',
        left: position.left + 'px',
        top: ''
    else {
      return {
        top: + 'px',
        left: position.left + 'px',
        bottom: ''

   * Calculates the offset between an element inside a container and the
   * container. Only works if all the edges of the inner element are inside the
   * outer element.
   * Width/height of the elements is included as a convenience.
   * @param {H5P.jQuery} $outer
   * @param {H5P.jQuery} $inner
   * @return {object} Position offset
  function getOffsetBetween($outer, $inner) {
    var outer = $outer[0].getBoundingClientRect();
    var inner = $inner[0].getBoundingClientRect();

    return {
      top: -,
      right: outer.right - inner.right,
      bottom: outer.bottom - inner.bottom,
      left: inner.left - outer.left,
      innerWidth: inner.width,
      innerHeight: inner.height,
      outerWidth: outer.width,
      outerHeight: outer.height

  return JoubelSpeechBubble;
var H5P = H5P || {};

H5P.JoubelThrobber = (function ($) {

   * Creates a new tip
  function JoubelThrobber() {

    // h5p-throbber css is described in core
    var $throbber = $('<div/>', {
      'class': 'h5p-throbber'

    return $throbber;

  return JoubelThrobber;
H5P.JoubelTip = (function ($) {
  var $conv = $('<div/>');

   * Creates a new tip element.
   * NOTE that this may look like a class but it doesn't behave like one.
   * It returns a jQuery object.
   * @param {string} tipHtml The text to display in the popup
   * @param {Object} [behaviour] Options
   * @param {string} [behaviour.tipLabel] Set to use a custom label for the tip button (you want this for good A11Y)
   * @param {boolean} [behaviour.helpIcon] Set to 'true' to Add help-icon classname to Tip button (changes the icon)
   * @param {boolean} [behaviour.showSpeechBubble] Set to 'false' to disable functionality (you may this in the editor)
   * @param {boolean} [behaviour.tabcontrol] Set to 'true' if you plan on controlling the tabindex in the parent (tabindex="-1")
   * @return {H5P.jQuery|undefined} Tip button jQuery element or 'undefined' if invalid tip
  function JoubelTip(tipHtml, behaviour) {

    // Keep track of the popup that appears when you click the Tip button
    var speechBubble;

    // Parse tip html to determine text
    var tipText = $conv.html(tipHtml).text().trim();
    if (tipText === '') {
      return; // The tip has no textual content, i.e. it's invalid.

    // Set default behaviour
    behaviour = $.extend({
      tipLabel: tipText,
      helpIcon: false,
      showSpeechBubble: true,
      tabcontrol: false
    }, behaviour);

    // Create Tip button
    var $tipButton = $('<div/>', {
      class: 'joubel-tip-container' + (behaviour.showSpeechBubble ? '' : ' be-quiet'),
      'aria-label': behaviour.tipLabel,
      'aria-expanded': false,
      role: 'button',
      tabindex: (behaviour.tabcontrol ? -1 : 0),
      click: function (event) {
        // Toggle show/hide popup
      keydown: function (event) {
        if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { // Space & enter key
          // Toggle show/hide popup
        else { // Any other key
          // Toggle hide popup
      // Add markup to render icon
      html: '<span class="joubel-icon-tip-normal ' + (behaviour.helpIcon ? ' help-icon': '') + '">' +
              '<span class="h5p-icon-shadow"></span>' +
              '<span class="h5p-icon-speech-bubble"></span>' +
              '<span class="h5p-icon-info"></span>' +
      // IMPORTANT: All of the markup elements must have 'pointer-events: none;'

    const $tipAnnouncer = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'hidden-but-read',
      'aria-live': 'polite',
      appendTo: $tipButton,

     * Tip button interaction handler.
     * Toggle show or hide the speech bubble popup when interacting with the
     * Tip button.
     * @private
     * @param {boolean} [force] 'true' shows and 'false' hides.
    var toggleSpeechBubble = function (force) {
      if (speechBubble !== undefined && speechBubble.isCurrent($tipButton)) {
        // Hide current popup
        speechBubble = undefined;

        $tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', false);
      else if (force !== false && behaviour.showSpeechBubble) {
        // Create and show new popup
        speechBubble = H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble($tipButton, tipHtml);
        $tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', true);

    return $tipButton;

  return JoubelTip;
var H5P = H5P || {};

H5P.JoubelSlider = (function ($) {

   * Creates a new Slider
   * @param {object} [params] Additional parameters
  function JoubelSlider(params) {;

    this.$slider = $('<div>', $.extend({
      'class': 'h5p-joubel-ui-slider'
    }, params));

    this.$slides = [];
    this.currentIndex = 0;
    this.numSlides = 0;
  JoubelSlider.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
  JoubelSlider.prototype.constructor = JoubelSlider;

  JoubelSlider.prototype.addSlide = function ($content) {
      'left': (this.numSlides*100) + '%'


    if(this.numSlides === 1) {

  JoubelSlider.prototype.attach = function ($container) {

  JoubelSlider.prototype.move = function (index) {
    var self = this;

    if(index === 0) {
    if(index+1 === self.numSlides) {

    var $previousSlide = self.$slides[this.currentIndex];
    H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(this.$slider, function () {

    var translateX = 'translateX(' + (-index*100) + '%)';
      '-webkit-transform': translateX,
      '-moz-transform': translateX,
      '-ms-transform': translateX,
      'transform': translateX

    this.currentIndex = index;

  JoubelSlider.prototype.remove = function () {
  }; = function () {
    if(this.currentIndex+1 >= this.numSlides) {


  JoubelSlider.prototype.previous = function () {

  JoubelSlider.prototype.first = function () {

  JoubelSlider.prototype.last = function () {

  return JoubelSlider;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * @module
H5P.JoubelScoreBar = (function ($) {

  /* Need to use an id for the star SVG since that is the only way to reference
     SVG filters  */
  var idCounter = 0;

   * Creates a score bar
   * @class H5P.JoubelScoreBar
   * @param {number} maxScore  Maximum score
   * @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar
   * @param {string} [helpText] Score explanation
   * @param {string} [scoreExplanationButtonLabel] Label for score explanation button
  function JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) {
    var self = this;

    self.maxScore = maxScore;
    self.score = 0;

     * @const {string}
    self.STAR_MARKUP = '<svg tabindex="-1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 63.77 53.87" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false">' +
        '<title>star</title>' +
        '<filter tabindex="-1" id="h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-inner-shadow-' + idCounter + '" x0="-50%" y0="-50%" width="200%" height="200%">' +
          '<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="3" result="blur"></feGaussianBlur>' +
          '<feOffset dy="2" dx="4"></feOffset>' +
          '<feComposite in2="SourceAlpha" operator="arithmetic" k2="-1" k3="1" result="shadowDiff"></feComposite>' +
          '<feFlood flood-color="#ffe95c" flood-opacity="1"></feFlood>' +
          '<feComposite in2="shadowDiff" operator="in"></feComposite>' +
          '<feComposite in2="SourceGraphic" operator="over" result="firstfilter"></feComposite>' +
          '<feGaussianBlur in="firstfilter" stdDeviation="3" result="blur2"></feGaussianBlur>' +
          '<feOffset dy="-2" dx="-4"></feOffset>' +
          '<feComposite in2="firstfilter" operator="arithmetic" k2="-1" k3="1" result="shadowDiff"></feComposite>' +
          '<feFlood flood-color="#ffe95c" flood-opacity="1"></feFlood>' +
          '<feComposite in2="shadowDiff" operator="in"></feComposite>' +
          '<feComposite in2="firstfilter" operator="over"></feComposite>' +
        '</filter>' +
        '<path tabindex="-1" class="h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-shadow" d="M35.08,43.41V9.16H20.91v0L9.51,10.85,9,10.93C2.8,12.18,0,17,0,21.25a11.22,11.22,0,0,0,3,7.48l8.73,8.53-1.07,6.16Z"/>' +
        '<g tabindex="-1">' +
          '<path tabindex="-1" class="h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-border" d="M61.36,22.8,49.72,34.11l2.78,16a2.6,2.6,0,0,1,.05.64c0,.85-.37,1.6-1.33,1.6A2.74,2.74,0,0,1,49.94,52L35.58,44.41,21.22,52a2.93,2.93,0,0,1-1.28.37c-.91,0-1.33-.75-1.33-1.6,0-.21.05-.43.05-.64l2.78-16L9.8,22.8A2.57,2.57,0,0,1,9,21.25c0-1,1-1.33,1.81-1.49l16.07-2.35L34.09,2.83c.27-.59.85-1.33,1.55-1.33s1.28.69,1.55,1.33l7.21,14.57,16.07,2.35c.75.11,1.81.53,1.81,1.49A3.07,3.07,0,0,1,61.36,22.8Z"/>' +
          '<path tabindex="-1" class="h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill" d="M61.36,22.8,49.72,34.11l2.78,16a2.6,2.6,0,0,1,.05.64c0,.85-.37,1.6-1.33,1.6A2.74,2.74,0,0,1,49.94,52L35.58,44.41,21.22,52a2.93,2.93,0,0,1-1.28.37c-.91,0-1.33-.75-1.33-1.6,0-.21.05-.43.05-.64l2.78-16L9.8,22.8A2.57,2.57,0,0,1,9,21.25c0-1,1-1.33,1.81-1.49l16.07-2.35L34.09,2.83c.27-.59.85-1.33,1.55-1.33s1.28.69,1.55,1.33l7.21,14.57,16.07,2.35c.75.11,1.81.53,1.81,1.49A3.07,3.07,0,0,1,61.36,22.8Z"/>' +
          '<path tabindex="-1" filter="url(#h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-inner-shadow-' + idCounter + ')" class="h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star-fill-full-score" d="M61.36,22.8,49.72,34.11l2.78,16a2.6,2.6,0,0,1,.05.64c0,.85-.37,1.6-1.33,1.6A2.74,2.74,0,0,1,49.94,52L35.58,44.41,21.22,52a2.93,2.93,0,0,1-1.28.37c-.91,0-1.33-.75-1.33-1.6,0-.21.05-.43.05-.64l2.78-16L9.8,22.8A2.57,2.57,0,0,1,9,21.25c0-1,1-1.33,1.81-1.49l16.07-2.35L34.09,2.83c.27-.59.85-1.33,1.55-1.33s1.28.69,1.55,1.33l7.21,14.57,16.07,2.35c.75.11,1.81.53,1.81,1.49A3.07,3.07,0,0,1,61.36,22.8Z"/>' +
        '</g>' +

     * @function appendTo
     * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
     * @param {H5P.jQuery}  $wrapper  Dom container
    self.appendTo = function ($wrapper) {

     * Create the text representation of the scorebar .
     * @private
     * @return {string}
    var createLabel = function (score) {
      if (!label) {
        return '';

      return label.replace(':num', score).replace(':total', self.maxScore);

     * Creates the html for this widget
     * @method createHtml
     * @private
    var createHtml = function () {
      // Container div
      self.$scoreBar = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar',

      var $visuals = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-visuals',
        appendTo: self.$scoreBar

      // The progress bar wrapper
      self.$progressWrapper = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress-wrapper',
        appendTo: $visuals

      self.$progress = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-progress',
        'html': createLabel(self.score),
        appendTo: self.$progressWrapper

      // The star
      $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-star',
        html: self.STAR_MARKUP

      // The score container
      var $numerics = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-numeric',
        appendTo: self.$scoreBar,
        'aria-hidden': true

      // The current score
      self.$scoreCounter = $('<span>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number h5p-joubelui-score-number-counter',
        text: 0,
        appendTo: $numerics

      // The separator
      $('<span>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number-separator',
        text: '/',
        appendTo: $numerics

      // Max score
      self.$maxScore = $('<span>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-number h5p-joubelui-score-max',
        text: self.maxScore,
        appendTo: $numerics

      if (helpText) {
        H5P.JoubelUI.createTip(helpText, {
          tipLabel: scoreExplanationButtonLabel ? scoreExplanationButtonLabel : helpText,
          helpIcon: true

     * Set the current score
     * @method setScore
     * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
     * @param  {number} score
    self.setScore = function (score) {
      // Do nothing if score hasn't changed
      if (score === self.score) {
      self.score = score > self.maxScore ? self.maxScore : score;

     * Increment score
     * @method incrementScore
     * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
     * @param  {number=}        incrementBy Optional parameter, defaults to 1
    self.incrementScore = function (incrementBy) {
      self.setScore(self.score + (incrementBy || 1));

     * Set the max score
     * @method setMaxScore
     * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
     * @param  {number}    maxScore The max score
    self.setMaxScore = function (maxScore) {
      self.maxScore = maxScore;

     * Updates the progressbar visuals
     * @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
     * @method updateVisuals
    self.updateVisuals = function () {

      setTimeout(function () {
        // Start the progressbar animation
          width: ((self.score / self.maxScore) * 100) + '%'

        H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(self.$progress, function () {
          // If fullscore fill the star and start the animation
          self.$scoreBar.toggleClass('h5p-joubelui-score-bar-full-score', self.score === self.maxScore);
          self.$scoreBar.toggleClass('h5p-joubelui-score-bar-animation-active', self.score === self.maxScore);

          // Only allow the star animation to run once
          self.$"animationend", function() {
        }, 600);
      }, 300);

     * Removes all classes
     * @method reset
    self.reset = function () {


  return JoubelScoreBar;
var H5P = H5P || {};

H5P.JoubelProgressbar = (function ($) {

   * Joubel progressbar class
   * @method JoubelProgressbar
   * @constructor
   * @param  {number}          steps Number of steps
   * @param {Object} [options] Additional options
   * @param {boolean} [options.disableAria] Disable readspeaker assistance
   * @param {string} [options.progressText] A progress text for describing
   *  current progress out of total progress for readspeakers.
   *  e.g. "Slide :num of :total"
  function JoubelProgressbar(steps, options) {;
    var self = this;
    this.options = $.extend({
      progressText: 'Slide :num of :total'
    }, options);
    this.currentStep = 0;
    this.steps = steps;

    this.$progressbar = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar'
    this.$background = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-background'

  JoubelProgressbar.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.constructor = JoubelProgressbar;

  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.updateAria = function () {
    var self = this;
    if (this.options.disableAria) {

    if (!this.$currentStatus) {
      this.$currentStatus = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-slide-status-text',
        'aria-live': 'assertive'
    var interpolatedProgressText = self.options.progressText
      .replace(':num', self.currentStep)
      .replace(':total', self.steps);

   * Appends to a container
   * @method appendTo
   * @param  {H5P.jquery} $container
  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.appendTo = function ($container) {

   * Update progress
   * @method setProgress
   * @param  {number}    step
  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.setProgress = function (step) {
    // Check for valid value:
    if (step > this.steps || step < 0) {
    this.currentStep = step;
      width: ((this.currentStep/this.steps)*100) + '%'


   * Increment progress with 1
   * @method next
   */ = function () {

   * Reset progressbar
   * @method reset
  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.reset = function () {

   * Check if last step is reached
   * @method isLastStep
   * @return {Boolean}
  JoubelProgressbar.prototype.isLastStep = function () {
    return this.steps === this.currentStep;

  return JoubelProgressbar;
var H5P = H5P || {};

 * H5P Joubel UI library.
 * This is a utility library, which does not implement attach. I.e, it has to bee actively used by
 * other libraries
 * @module
H5P.JoubelUI = (function ($) {

   * The internal object to return
   * @class H5P.JoubelUI
   * @static
  function JoubelUI() {}

  /* Public static functions */

   * Create a tip icon
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createTip
   * @param  {string}  text   The textual tip
   * @param  {Object}  params Parameters
   * @return {H5P.JoubelTip}
  JoubelUI.createTip = function (text, params) {
    return new H5P.JoubelTip(text, params);

   * Create message dialog
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createMessageDialog
   * @param  {H5P.jQuery}               $container The dom container
   * @param  {string}                   message    The message
   * @return {H5P.JoubelMessageDialog}
  JoubelUI.createMessageDialog = function ($container, message) {
    return new H5P.JoubelMessageDialog($container, message);

   * Create help text dialog
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog
   * @param  {string}             header  The textual header
   * @param  {string}             message The textual message
   * @param  {string}             closeButtonTitle The title for the close button
   * @return {H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog}
  JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog = function (header, message, closeButtonTitle) {
    return new H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle);

   * Create progress circle
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressCircle
   * @param  {number}             number          The progress (0 to 100)
   * @param  {string}             progressColor   The progress color in hex value
   * @param  {string}             fillColor       The fill color in hex value
   * @param  {string}             backgroundColor The background color in hex value
   * @return {H5P.JoubelProgressCircle}
  JoubelUI.createProgressCircle = function (number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor) {
    return new H5P.JoubelProgressCircle(number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor);

   * Create throbber for loading
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createThrobber
   * @return {H5P.JoubelThrobber}
  JoubelUI.createThrobber = function () {
    return new H5P.JoubelThrobber();

   * Create simple rounded button
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton
   * @param  {string}                  text The button label
   * @return {H5P.SimpleRoundedButton}
  JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton = function (text) {
    return new H5P.SimpleRoundedButton(text);

   * Create Slider
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSlider
   * @param  {Object} [params] Parameters
   * @return {H5P.JoubelSlider}
  JoubelUI.createSlider = function (params) {
    return new H5P.JoubelSlider(params);

   * Create Score Bar
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createScoreBar
   * @param  {number=}       maxScore The maximum score
   * @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar
   * @return {H5P.JoubelScoreBar}
  JoubelUI.createScoreBar = function (maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) {
    return new H5P.JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel);

   * Create Progressbar
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressbar
   * @param  {number=}       numSteps The total numer of steps
   * @param {Object} [options] Additional options
   * @param {boolean} [options.disableAria] Disable readspeaker assistance
   * @param {string} [options.progressText] A progress text for describing
   *  current progress out of total progress for readspeakers.
   *  e.g. "Slide :num of :total"
   * @return {H5P.JoubelProgressbar}
  JoubelUI.createProgressbar = function (numSteps, options) {
    return new H5P.JoubelProgressbar(numSteps, options);

   * Create standard Joubel button
   * @method H5P.JoubelUI.createButton
   * @param {object} params
   *  May hold any properties allowed by jQuery. If href is set, an A tag
   *  is used, if not a button tag is used.
   * @return {H5P.jQuery} The jquery element created
  JoubelUI.createButton = function(params) {
    var type = 'button';
    if (params.href) {
      type = 'a';
    else {
      params.type = 'button';
    if (params.class) {
      params.class += ' h5p-joubelui-button';
    else {
      params.class = 'h5p-joubelui-button';
    return $('<' + type + '/>', params);

   * Fix for iframe scoll bug in IOS. When focusing an element that doesn't have
   * focus support by default the iframe will scroll the parent frame so that
   * the focused element is out of view. This varies dependening on the elements
   * of the parent frame.
  if (H5P.isFramed && !H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix &&
      /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
    H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix = true;

    // Keep track of original focus function
    var focus = HTMLElement.prototype.focus;

    // Override the original focus
    HTMLElement.prototype.focus = function () {
      // Only focus the element if it supports it natively
      if ( (this instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLInputElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLSelectElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLButtonElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ||
            this instanceof HTMLAreaElement) && // HTMLAreaElement isn't supported by Safari yet.
          !this.getAttribute('role')) { // Focus breaks if a different role has been set
          // In theory this.isContentEditable should be able to recieve focus,
          // but it didn't work when tested.

        // Trigger the original focus with the proper context;

  return JoubelUI;
H5P.Question = (function ($, EventDispatcher, JoubelUI) {

   * Extending this class make it alot easier to create tasks for other
   * content types.
   * @class H5P.Question
   * @extends H5P.EventDispatcher
   * @param {string} type
  function Question(type) {
    var self = this;

    // Inheritance;

    // Register default section order
    self.order = ['video', 'image', 'introduction', 'content', 'explanation', 'feedback', 'scorebar', 'buttons', 'read'];

    // Keep track of registered sections
    var sections = {};

    // Buttons
    var buttons = {};
    var buttonOrder = [];

    // Wrapper when attached
    var $wrapper;

    // Click element
    var clickElement;

    // ScoreBar
    var scoreBar;

    // Keep track of the feedback's visual status.
    var showFeedback;

    // Keep track of which buttons are scheduled for hiding.
    var buttonsToHide = [];

    // Keep track of which buttons are scheduled for showing.
    var buttonsToShow = [];

    // Keep track of the hiding and showing of buttons.
    var toggleButtonsTimer;
    var toggleButtonsTransitionTimer;
    var buttonTruncationTimer;

    // Keeps track of initialization of question
    var initialized = false;

     * @type {Object} behaviour Behaviour of Question
     * @property {Boolean} behaviour.disableFeedback Set to true to disable feedback section
    var behaviour = {
      disableFeedback: false,
      disableReadSpeaker: false

    // Keeps track of thumb state
    var imageThumb = true;

    // Keeps track of image transitions
    var imageTransitionTimer;

    // Keep track of whether sections is transitioning.
    var sectionsIsTransitioning = false;

    // Keep track of auto play state
    var disableAutoPlay = false;

    // Feedback transition timer
    var feedbackTransitionTimer;

    // Used when reading messages to the user
    var $read, readText;

     * Register section with given content.
     * @private
     * @param {string} section ID of the section
     * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} [content]
    var register = function (section, content) {
      sections[section] = {};
      var $e = sections[section].$element = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-' + section,
      if (content) {
        $e[content instanceof $ ? 'append' : 'html'](content);

     * Update registered section with content.
     * @private
     * @param {string} section ID of the section
     * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content
    var update = function (section, content) {
      if (content instanceof $) {
      else {

     * Insert element with given ID into the DOM.
     * @private
     * @param {array|Array|string[]} order
     * List with ordered element IDs
     * @param {string} id
     * ID of the element to be inserted
     * @param {Object} elements
     * Maps ID to the elements
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container
     * Parent container of the elements
    var insert = function (order, id, elements, $container) {
      // Try to find an element id should be after
      for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
        if (order[i] === id) {
          // Found our pos
          while (i > 0 &&
          (elements[order[i - 1]] === undefined ||
          !elements[order[i - 1]].isVisible)) {
          if (i === 0) {
            // We are on top.
          else {
            // Add after element
            elements[id].$element.insertAfter(elements[order[i - 1]].$element);
          elements[id].isVisible = true;

     * Make feedback into a popup and position relative to click.
     * @private
     * @param {string} [closeText] Text for the close button
    var makeFeedbackPopup = function (closeText) {
      var $element =$element;
      var $parent = sections.content.$element;
      var $click = (clickElement != null ? clickElement.$element : null);


      if (sections.scorebar) {


      // Draw the tail
      var $tail = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-tail'

      // Draw the close button
      var $close = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-close',
        'tabindex': 0,
        'title': closeText,
        on: {
          click: function (event) {
          keydown: function (event) {
            switch (event.which) {
              case 13: // Enter
              case 32: // Space

      if ($click != null) {
        if ($click.hasClass('correct')) {
        else {

      positionFeedbackPopup($element, $click);

     * Position the feedback popup.
     * @private
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element Feedback div
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $click Visual click div
    var positionFeedbackPopup = function ($element, $click) {
      var $container = $element.parent();
      var $tail = $element.siblings('.h5p-question-feedback-tail');
      var popupWidth = $element.outerWidth();
      var popupHeight = setElementHeight($element);
      var space = 15;
      var disableTail = false;
      var positionY = $container.height() / 2 - popupHeight / 2;
      var positionX = $container.width() / 2 - popupWidth / 2;
      var tailX = 0;
      var tailY = 0;
      var tailRotation = 0;

      if ($click != null) {
        // Edge detection for click, takes space into account
        var clickNearTop = ($click[0].offsetTop < space);
        var clickNearBottom = ($click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() > $container.height() - space);
        var clickNearLeft = ($click[0].offsetLeft < space);
        var clickNearRight = ($click[0].offsetLeft + $click.width() > $container.width() - space);

        // Click is not in a corner or close to edge, calculate position normally
        positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft - popupWidth / 2  + $click.width() / 2;
        positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight - space;
        tailX = positionX + popupWidth / 2 - $tail.width() / 2;
        tailY = positionY + popupHeight - ($tail.height() / 2);
        tailRotation = 225;

        // If popup is outside top edge, position under click instead
        if (popupHeight + space > $click[0].offsetTop) {
          positionY = $click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() + space;
          tailY = positionY - $tail.height() / 2 ;
          tailRotation = 45;

        // If popup is outside left edge, position left
        if (positionX < 0) {
          positionX = 0;

        // If popup is outside right edge, position right
        if (positionX + popupWidth > $container.width()) {
          positionX = $container.width() - popupWidth;

        // Special cases such as corner clicks, or close to an edge, they override X and Y positions if met
        if (clickNearTop && (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight)) {
          positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() : -popupWidth);
          positionY = $click[0].offsetTop + $click.height();
          disableTail = true;
        else if (clickNearBottom && (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight)) {
          positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() : -popupWidth);
          positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight;
          disableTail = true;
        else if (!clickNearTop && !clickNearBottom) {
          if (clickNearLeft || clickNearRight) {
            positionY = $click[0].offsetTop - popupHeight / 2 + $click.width() / 2;
            positionX = $click[0].offsetLeft + (clickNearLeft ? $click.width() + space : -popupWidth + -space);
            // Make sure this does not position the popup off screen
            if (positionX < 0) {
              positionX = 0;
              disableTail = true;
            else {
              tailX = positionX + (clickNearLeft ? - $tail.width() / 2 : popupWidth - $tail.width() / 2);
              tailY = positionY + popupHeight / 2 - $tail.height() / 2;
              tailRotation = (clickNearLeft ? 315 : 135);

        // Contain popup from overflowing bottom edge
        if (positionY + popupHeight > $container.height()) {
          positionY = $container.height() - popupHeight;

          if (popupHeight > $container.height() - ($click[0].offsetTop + $click.height() + space)) {
            disableTail = true;
      else {
        disableTail = true;

      // Contain popup from ovreflowing top edge
      if (positionY < 0) {
        positionY = 0;

      $element.css({top: positionY, left: positionX});
      $tail.css({top: tailY, left: tailX});

      if (!disableTail) {
          'left': tailX,
          'top': tailY,
          'transform': 'rotate(' + tailRotation + 'deg)'
      else {

     * Set element max height, used for animations.
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element
    var setElementHeight = function ($element) {
      if (!$':visible')) {
        // No animation
        $element.css('max-height', 'none');

      // If this element is shown in the popup, we can't set width to 100%,
      // since it already has a width set in CSS
      var isFeedbackPopup = $element.hasClass('h5p-question-popup');

      // Get natural element height
      var $tmp = $element.clone()
          'position': 'absolute',
          'max-height': 'none',
          'width': isFeedbackPopup ? '' : '100%'

      // Need to take margins into account when calculating available space
      var sideMargins = parseFloat($element.css('margin-left'))
        + parseFloat($element.css('margin-right'));
      var tmpElWidth = $tmp.css('width') ? $tmp.css('width') : '100%';
      $tmp.css('width', 'calc(' + tmpElWidth + ' - ' + sideMargins + 'px)');

      // Apply height to element
      var h = Math.round($tmp.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().height);
      var fontSize = parseFloat($element.css('fontSize'));
      var relativeH = h / fontSize;
      $element.css('max-height', relativeH + 'em');

      if (h > 0 && sections.buttons && sections.buttons.$element === $element) {
        // Make sure buttons section is visible

        // Resize buttons after resizing button section
        setTimeout(resizeButtons, 150);
      return h;

     * Does the actual job of hiding the buttons scheduled for hiding.
     * @private
     * @param {boolean} [relocateFocus] Find a new button to focus
    var hideButtons = function (relocateFocus) {
      for (var i = 0; i < buttonsToHide.length; i++) {
      buttonsToHide = [];

      if (relocateFocus) {

     * Does the actual hiding.
     * @private
     * @param {string} buttonId
    var hideButton = function (buttonId) {
      // Using detach() vs hide() makes it harder to cheat.
      buttons[buttonId].isVisible = false;

     * Shows the buttons on the next tick. This is to avoid buttons flickering
     * If they're both added and removed on the same tick.
     * @private
    var toggleButtons = function () {
      // If no buttons section, return
      if (sections.buttons === undefined) {

      // Clear transition timer, reevaluate if buttons will be detached

      // Show buttons
      for (var i = 0; i < buttonsToShow.length; i++) {
        insert(buttonOrder, buttonsToShow[i].id, buttons, sections.buttons.$element);
        buttons[buttonsToShow[i].id].isVisible = true;
      buttonsToShow = [];

      // Hide buttons
      var numToHide = 0;
      var relocateFocus = false;
      for (var j = 0; j < buttonsToHide.length; j++) {
        var button = buttons[buttonsToHide[j].id];
        if (button.isVisible) {
          numToHide += 1;
        if (button.$':focus')) {
          // Move focus to the first visible button.
          relocateFocus = true;

      var animationTimer = 150;
      if ( &&$element.hasClass('h5p-question-popup')) {
        animationTimer = 0;

      if (numToHide === sections.buttons.$element.children().length) {
        // All buttons are going to be hidden. Hide container using transition.
        // Detach buttons
      else {

        // Show button section
        if (!sections.buttons.$':empty')) {

          // Trigger resize after animation
          toggleButtonsTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          }, animationTimer);

        // Resize buttons to fit container

      toggleButtonsTimer = undefined;

     * Allows for scaling of the question image.
    var scaleImage = function () {
      var $imgSection = sections.image.$element;

      // Add this here to avoid initial transition of the image making
      // content overflow. Alternatively we need to trigger a resize.

      if (imageThumb) {

        // Expand image
        $(this).attr('aria-expanded', true);
        imageThumb = false;

        imageTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
        }, 600);
      else {

        // Scale down image
        $(this).attr('aria-expanded', false);
        imageThumb = true;

        imageTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
        }, 600);

     * Get scrollable ancestor of element
     * @private
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element
     * @param {Number} [currDepth=0] Current recursive calls to ancestor, stop at maxDepth
     * @param {Number} [maxDepth=5] Maximum depth for finding ancestor.
     * @returns {H5P.jQuery} Parent element that is scrollable
    var findScrollableAncestor = function ($element, currDepth, maxDepth) {
      if (!currDepth) {
        currDepth = 0;
      if (!maxDepth) {
        maxDepth = 5;
      // Check validation of element or if we have reached document root
      if (!$element || !($element instanceof $) || document === $element.get(0) || currDepth >= maxDepth) {

      if ($element.css('overflow-y') === 'auto') {
        return $element;
      else {
        return findScrollableAncestor($element.parent(), currDepth + 1, maxDepth);

     * Scroll to bottom of Question.
     * @private
    var scrollToBottom = function () {
      if (!$wrapper || ($wrapper.hasClass('h5p-standalone') && !H5P.isFullscreen)) {
        return; // No scroll

      var scrollableAncestor = findScrollableAncestor($wrapper);

      // Scroll to bottom of scrollable ancestor
      if (scrollableAncestor) {
          scrollTop: $wrapper.css('height')
        }, "slow");

     * Resize buttons to fit container width
     * @private
    var resizeButtons = function () {
      if (!buttons || !sections.buttons) {

      var go = function () {
        // Don't do anything if button elements are not visible yet
        if (!sections.buttons.$':visible')) {

        // Width of all buttons
        var buttonsWidth = {
          max: 0,
          min: 0,
          current: 0

        for (var i in buttons) {
          var button = buttons[i];
          if (button.isVisible) {
            buttonsWidth.max += button.width.max;
            buttonsWidth.min += button.width.min;
            buttonsWidth.current += button.isTruncated ? button.width.min : button.width.max;

        var makeButtonsFit = function (availableWidth) {
          if (buttonsWidth.max < availableWidth) {
            // It is room for everyone on the right side of the score bar (without truncating)
            if (buttonsWidth.max !== buttonsWidth.current) {
              // Need to make everyone big
              restoreButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth);
            return true;
          else if (buttonsWidth.min < availableWidth) {
            // Is it room for everyone on the right side of the score bar with truncating?
            if (buttonsWidth.current > availableWidth) {
              removeButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth);
            else {
              restoreButtonLabels(buttonsWidth.current, availableWidth);
            return true;
          return false;


        var buttonSectionWidth = Math.floor(sections.buttons.$element.width()) - 1;

        if (!makeButtonsFit(buttonSectionWidth)) {
          // If we get here we need to wrap:
          buttonSectionWidth = Math.floor(sections.buttons.$element.width()) - 1;

      // If visible, resize right away
      if (sections.buttons.$':visible')) {
      else { // If not visible, try on the next tick
        // Clear button truncation timer if within a button truncation function
        if (buttonTruncationTimer) {
        buttonTruncationTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          buttonTruncationTimer = undefined;
        }, 0);

    var toggleFullWidthScorebar = function (enabled) {
      if (sections.scorebar &&
          sections.scorebar.$element &&
          sections.scorebar.$element.hasClass('h5p-question-visible')) {
        sections.buttons.$element.toggleClass('wrap', enabled);
        sections.scorebar.$element.toggleClass('full-width', enabled);
      else {

     * Remove button labels until they use less than max width.
     * @private
     * @param {Number} buttonsWidth Total width of all buttons
     * @param {Number} maxButtonsWidth Max width allowed for buttons
    var removeButtonLabels = function (buttonsWidth, maxButtonsWidth) {
      // Reverse traversal
      for (var i = buttonOrder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var buttonId = buttonOrder[i];
        var button = buttons[buttonId];
        if (!button.isTruncated && button.isVisible) {
          var $button = button.$element;
          buttonsWidth -= button.width.max - button.width.min;

          // Remove label
          button.$element.attr('aria-label', $button.text()).html('').addClass('truncated');
          button.isTruncated = true;
          if (buttonsWidth <= maxButtonsWidth) {
            // Buttons are small enough.

     * Restore button labels until it fills maximum possible width without exceeding the max width.
     * @private
     * @param {Number} buttonsWidth Total width of all buttons
     * @param {Number} maxButtonsWidth Max width allowed for buttons
    var restoreButtonLabels = function (buttonsWidth, maxButtonsWidth) {
      for (var i = 0; i < buttonOrder.length; i++) {
        var buttonId = buttonOrder[i];
        var button = buttons[buttonId];
        if (button.isTruncated && button.isVisible) {
          // Calculate new total width of buttons with a static pixel for consistency cross-browser
          buttonsWidth += button.width.max - button.width.min + 1;

          if (buttonsWidth > maxButtonsWidth) {
          // Restore label
          button.isTruncated = false;

     * Helper function for finding index of keyValue in array
     * @param {String} keyValue Value to be found
     * @param {String} key In key
     * @param {Array} array In array
     * @returns {number}
    var existsInArray = function (keyValue, key, array) {
      var i;
      for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i][key] === keyValue) {
          return i;
      return -1;

     * Show a section
     * @param {Object} section
    var showSection = function (section) {
      section.isVisible = true;

     * Hide a section
     * @param {Object} section
    var hideSection = function (section) {
      section.$element.css('max-height', '');
      section.isVisible = false;

      setTimeout(function () {
        // Only hide if section hasn't been set to visible in the meantime
        if (!section.isVisible) {
      }, 150);

     * Set behaviour for question.
     * @param {Object} options An object containing behaviour that will be extended by Question
    self.setBehaviour = function (options) {
      $.extend(behaviour, options);

     * A video to display above the task.
     * @param {object} params
    self.setVideo = function (params) { = {
        $element: $('<div/>', {
          'class': 'h5p-question-video'

      if (disableAutoPlay && params.params.playback) {
        params.params.playback.autoplay = false;

      // Never fit to wrapper
      if (!params.params.visuals) {
        params.params.visuals = {};
      } = false; = H5P.newRunnable(params, self.contentId,$element, true);
      var fromVideo = false; // Hack to avoid never ending loop'resize', function () {
        fromVideo = true;
        fromVideo = false;
      self.on('resize', function () {
        if (!fromVideo) {

      return self;

     * Will stop any playback going on in the task.
    self.pause = function () {
      if ( && {;

     * Start playback of video
     */ = function () {
      if ( && {;

     * Disable auto play, useful in editors.
    self.disableAutoPlay = function () {
      disableAutoPlay = true;

     * Add task image.
     * @param {string} path Relative
     * @param {Object} [options] Options object
     * @param {string} [options.alt] Text representation
     * @param {string} [options.title] Hover text
     * @param {Boolean} [options.disableImageZooming] Set as true to disable image zooming
    self.setImage = function (path, options) {
      options = options ? options : {};
      sections.image = {};
      // Image container
      sections.image.$element = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-image h5p-question-image-fill-width'

      // Inner wrap
      var $imgWrap = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-image-wrap',
        appendTo: sections.image.$element

      // Image element
      var $img = $('<img/>', {
        src: H5P.getPath(path, self.contentId),
        alt: (options.alt === undefined ? '' : options.alt),
        title: (options.title === undefined ? '' : options.title),
        on: {
          load: function () {
            self.trigger('imageLoaded', this);
        appendTo: $imgWrap

      // Disable image zooming
      if (options.disableImageZooming) {
        $img.css('maxHeight', 'none');

        // Make sure we are using the correct amount of width at all times
        var determineImgWidth = function () {

          // Remove margins if natural image width is bigger than section width
          var imageSectionWidth = sections.image.$element.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().width;

          // Do not transition, for instant measurements
            '-webkit-transition': 'none',
            'transition': 'none'

          // Margin as translateX on both sides of image.
          var diffX = 2 * ($imgWrap.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left -

          if ($img.get(0).naturalWidth >= imageSectionWidth - diffX) {
          else { // Use margin for small res images

          // Reset transition rules
            '-webkit-transition': '',
            'transition': ''

        // Determine image width
        if ($':visible')) {
        else {
          $img.on('load', determineImgWidth);

        // Skip adding zoom functionality

      var sizeDetermined = false;
      var determineSize = function () {
        if (sizeDetermined || !$':visible')) {
          return; // Try again next time.

          .attr('aria-expanded', false)
          .attr('role', 'button')
          .attr('tabIndex', '0')
          .on('click', function (event) {
            if (event.which === 1) {
              scaleImage.apply(this); // Left mouse button click
          }).on('keypress', function (event) {
            if (event.which === 32) {
              event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behaviour; page scroll down
              scaleImage.apply(this); // Space bar pressed

        sizeDetermined  = true; // Prevent any futher events

      self.on('resize', determineSize);

      return self;

     * Add the introduction section.
     * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content
    self.setIntroduction = function (content) {
      register('introduction', content);

      return self;

     * Add the content section.
     * @param {(string|H5P.jQuery)} content
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {string} [options.class]
    self.setContent = function (content, options) {
      register('content', content);

      if (options && options.class) {

      return self;

     * Force readspeaker to read text. Useful when you have to use
     * setTimeout for animations.
     */ = function (content) {
      if (!$read) {
        return; // Not ready yet

      if (readText) {
        // Combine texts if called multiple times
        readText += (readText.substr(-1, 1) === '.' ? ' ' : '. ') + content;
      else {
        readText = content;

      // Set text

      setTimeout(function () {
        // Stop combining when done reading
        readText = null;
      }, 100);

     * Read feedback
    self.readFeedback = function () {
      var invalidFeedback =
        behaviour.disableReadSpeaker ||
        !showFeedback ||
        ! ||

      if (invalidFeedback) {

      var $feedbackText = $('.h5p-question-feedback-content-text',$element);
      if ($feedbackText && $feedbackText.html() && $feedbackText.html().length) {$feedbackText.html());

     * Remove feedback
     * @return {H5P.Question}
    self.removeFeedback = function () {


      if ( && showFeedback) {

        showFeedback = false;

        // Hide feedback & scorebar

        sectionsIsTransitioning = true;

        // Detach after transition
        feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          // Avoiding Transition.onTransitionEnd since it will register multiple events, and there's no way to cancel it if the transition changes back to "show" while the animation is happening.
          if (!showFeedback) {

            // Trigger resize after animation
          sectionsIsTransitioning = false;
        }, 150);

        if ($wrapper) {

      return self;

     * Set feedback message.
     * @param {string} [content]
     * @param {number} score The score
     * @param {number} maxScore The maximum score for this question
     * @param {string} [scoreBarLabel] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar
     * @param {string} [helpText] Help text that describes the score inside a tip icon
     * @param {object} [popupSettings] Extra settings for popup feedback
     * @param {boolean} [popupSettings.showAsPopup] Should the feedback display as popup?
     * @param {string} [popupSettings.closeText] Translation for close button text
     * @param {object} [] Element representing where user clicked on screen
    self.setFeedback = function (content, score, maxScore, scoreBarLabel, helpText, popupSettings, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) {
      // Feedback is disabled
      if (behaviour.disableFeedback) {
        return self;

      // Need to toggle buttons right away to avoid flickering/blinking
      // Note: This means content types should invoke hide/showButton before setFeedback

      clickElement = (popupSettings != null && != null ? : null);

      var $feedback = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-container'

      var $feedbackContent = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-content'

      // Feedback text
      $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-feedback-content-text',
        'html': content

      var $scorebar = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-scorebar-container'
      if (scoreBar === undefined) {
        scoreBar = JoubelUI.createScoreBar(maxScore, scoreBarLabel, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel);

      $feedbackContent.toggleClass('has-content', content !== undefined && content.length > 0);

      // Feedback for readspeakers
      if (!behaviour.disableReadSpeaker && scoreBarLabel) {':num', score).replace(':total', maxScore) + '. ' + (content ? content : ''));

      showFeedback = true;
      if ( {
        // Update section
        update('feedback', $feedback);
        update('scorebar', $scorebar);
      else {
        // Create section
        register('feedback', $feedback);
        register('scorebar', $scorebar);
        if (initialized && $wrapper) {
          insert(self.order, 'feedback', sections, $wrapper);
          insert(self.order, 'scorebar', sections, $wrapper);



      if (popupSettings != null && popupSettings.showAsPopup == true) {
      else {
        // Show feedback section
        feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
          sectionsIsTransitioning = true;

          // Scroll to bottom after showing feedback

          // Trigger resize after animation
          feedbackTransitionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
            sectionsIsTransitioning = false;
          }, 150);
        }, 0);

      return self;

     * Set feedback content (no animation).
     * @param {string} content
     * @param {boolean} [extendContent] True will extend content, instead of replacing it
    self.updateFeedbackContent = function (content, extendContent) {
      if ( &&$element) {

        if (extendContent) {
          content = $('.h5p-question-feedback-content',$element).html() + ' ' + content;

        // Update feedback content html

        // Make sure the height is correct

        // Need to trigger resize when feedback has finished transitioning
        setTimeout(self.trigger.bind(self, 'resize'), 150);

      return self;

     * Set the content of the explanation / feedback panel
     * @param {Object} data
     * @param {string} data.correct
     * @param {string} data.wrong
     * @param {string} data.text
     * @param {string} title Title for explanation panel
     * @return {H5P.Question}
    self.setExplanation = function (data, title) {
      if (data) {
        var explainer = new H5P.Question.Explainer(title, data);

        if (sections.explanation) {
          // Update section
          update('explanation', explainer.getElement());
        else {
          register('explanation', explainer.getElement());

          if (initialized && $wrapper) {
            insert(self.order, 'explanation', sections, $wrapper);
      else if (sections.explanation) {
        // Hide explanation section

      return self;

     * Checks to see if button is registered.
     * @param {string} id
     * @returns {boolean}
    self.hasButton = function (id) {
      return (buttons[id] !== undefined);

     * @typedef {Object} ConfirmationDialog
     * @property {boolean} [enable] Must be true to show confirmation dialog
     * @property {Object} [instance] Instance that uses confirmation dialog
     * @property {jQuery} [$parentElement] Append to this element.
     * @property {Object} [l10n] Translatable fields
     * @property {string} [l10n.header] Header text
     * @property {string} [l10n.body] Body text
     * @property {string} [l10n.cancelLabel]
     * @property {string} [l10n.confirmLabel]

     * Register buttons for the task.
     * @param {string} id
     * @param {string} text label
     * @param {function} clicked
     * @param {boolean} [visible=true]
     * @param {Object} [options] Options for button
     * @param {Object} [extras] Extra options
     * @param {ConfirmationDialog} [extras.confirmationDialog] Confirmation dialog
    self.addButton = function (id, text, clicked, visible, options, extras) {
      if (buttons[id]) {
        return self; // Already registered

      if (sections.buttons === undefined)  {
        // We have buttons, register wrapper
        if (initialized) {
          insert(self.order, 'buttons', sections, $wrapper);

      extras = extras || {};
      extras.confirmationDialog = extras.confirmationDialog || {};
      options = options || {};

      var confirmationDialog =
        self.addConfirmationDialogToButton(extras.confirmationDialog, clicked);

       * Handle button clicks through both mouse and keyboard
       * @private
      var handleButtonClick = function () {
        if (extras.confirmationDialog.enable && confirmationDialog) {
          // Show popups section if used
          if (!extras.confirmationDialog.$parentElement) {
        else {

      buttons[id] = {
        isTruncated: false,
        text: text,
        isVisible: false
      // The button might be <button> or <a>
      // (dependent on options.href set or not)
      var isAnchorTag = (options.href !== undefined);
      var $e = buttons[id].$element = JoubelUI.createButton($.extend({
        'class': 'h5p-question-' + id,
        html: text,
        title: text,
        on: {
          click: function (event) {
            if (isAnchorTag) {
      }, options));

      // The button might be <button> or <a>. If <a>, the space key is not
      // triggering the click event, must therefore handle this here:
      if (isAnchorTag) {
        $e.on('keypress', function (event) {
          if (event.which === 32) { // Space

      if (visible === undefined || visible) {
        // Button should be visible
        buttons[id].isVisible = true;

      return self;

    var setButtonWidth = function (button) {
      var $button = button.$element;
      var $tmp = $button.clone()
          'position': 'absolute',
          'white-space': 'nowrap',
          'max-width': 'none'

      // Calculate max width (button including text)
      button.width = {
        max: Math.ceil($tmp.outerWidth() + parseFloat($tmp.css('margin-left')) + parseFloat($tmp.css('margin-right')))

      // Calculate min width (truncated, icon only)
      button.width.min = Math.ceil($tmp.outerWidth() + parseFloat($tmp.css('margin-left')) + parseFloat($tmp.css('margin-right')));

     * Add confirmation dialog to button
     * @param {ConfirmationDialog} options
     *  A confirmation dialog that will be shown before click handler of button
     *  is triggered
     * @param {function} clicked
     *  Click handler of button
     * @return {H5P.ConfirmationDialog|undefined}
     *  Confirmation dialog if enabled
    self.addConfirmationDialogToButton = function (options, clicked) {
      options = options || {};

      if (!options.enable) {

      // Confirmation dialog
      var confirmationDialog = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
        instance: options.instance,
        headerText: options.l10n.header,
        dialogText: options.l10n.body,
        cancelText: options.l10n.cancelLabel,
        confirmText: options.l10n.confirmLabel

      // Determine parent element
      if (options.$parentElement) {
      else {

        // Create popup section and append to that
        if (sections.popups === undefined) {
          if (initialized) {
            insert(self.order, 'popups', sections, $wrapper);

      // Add event listeners
      confirmationDialog.on('confirmed', function () {
        if (!options.$parentElement) {

        // Trigger to content type

      confirmationDialog.on('canceled', function () {
        if (!options.$parentElement) {
        // Trigger to content type

      return confirmationDialog;

     * Show registered button with given identifier.
     * @param {string} id
     * @param {Number} [priority]
    self.showButton = function (id, priority) {
      var aboutToBeHidden = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToHide) !== -1;
      if (buttons[id] === undefined || (buttons[id].isVisible === true && !aboutToBeHidden)) {
        return self;

      priority = priority || 0;

      // Skip if already being shown
      var indexToShow = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToShow);
      if (indexToShow !== -1) {

        // Update priority
        if (buttonsToShow[indexToShow].priority < priority) {
          buttonsToShow[indexToShow].priority = priority;

        return self;

      // Check if button is going to be hidden on next tick
      var exists = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToHide);
      if (exists !== -1) {

        // Skip hiding if higher priority
        if (buttonsToHide[exists].priority <= priority) {
          buttonsToHide.splice(exists, 1);
          buttonsToShow.push({id: id, priority: priority});

      } // If button is not shown
      else if (!buttons[id].$':visible')) {

        // Show button on next tick
        buttonsToShow.push({id: id, priority: priority});

      if (!toggleButtonsTimer) {
        toggleButtonsTimer = setTimeout(toggleButtons, 0);

      return self;

     * Hide registered button with given identifier.
     * @param {string} id
     * @param {number} [priority]
    self.hideButton = function (id, priority) {
      var aboutToBeShown = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToShow) !== -1;
      if (buttons[id] === undefined || (buttons[id].isVisible === false && !aboutToBeShown)) {
        return self;

      priority = priority || 0;

      // Skip if already being hidden
      var indexToHide = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToHide);
      if (indexToHide !== -1) {

        // Update priority
        if (buttonsToHide[indexToHide].priority < priority) {
          buttonsToHide[indexToHide].priority = priority;

        return self;

      // Check if buttons is going to be shown on next tick
      var exists = existsInArray(id, 'id', buttonsToShow);
      if (exists !== -1) {

        // Skip showing if higher priority
        if (buttonsToShow[exists].priority <= priority) {
          buttonsToShow.splice(exists, 1);
          buttonsToHide.push({id: id, priority: priority});
      else if (!buttons[id].$':visible')) {

        // Make sure it is detached in case the container is hidden.
      else {

        // Hide button on next tick.
        buttonsToHide.push({id: id, priority: priority});

      if (!toggleButtonsTimer) {
        toggleButtonsTimer = setTimeout(toggleButtons, 0);

      return self;

     * Set focus to the given button. If no button is given the first visible
     * button gets focused. This is useful if you lose focus.
     * @param {string} [id]
    self.focusButton = function (id) {
      if (id === undefined) {
        // Find first button that is visible.
        for (var i = 0; i < buttonOrder.length; i++) {
          var button = buttons[buttonOrder[i]];
          if (button && button.isVisible) {
            // Give that button focus
      else if (buttons[id] && buttons[id].$':visible')) {
        // Set focus to requested button

      return self;

     * Toggle readspeaker functionality
     * @param {boolean} [disable] True to disable, false to enable.
    self.toggleReadSpeaker = function (disable) {
      behaviour.disableReadSpeaker = disable || !behaviour.disableReadSpeaker;

     * Set new element for section.
     * @param {String} id
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $element
    self.insertSectionAtElement = function (id, $element) {
      if (sections[id] === undefined) {
      sections[id].parent = $element;

      // Insert section if question is not initialized
      if (!initialized) {
        insert([id], id, sections, $element);

      return self;

     * Attach content to given container.
     * @param {H5P.jQuery} $container
    self.attach = function ($container) {
      if (self.isRoot()) {

      // The first time we attach we also create our DOM elements.
      if ($wrapper === undefined) {
        if (self.registerDomElements !== undefined &&
           (self.registerDomElements instanceof Function ||
           typeof self.registerDomElements === 'function')) {

          // Give the question type a chance to register before attaching

        // Create section for reading messages
        $read = $('<div/>', {
          'aria-live': 'polite',
          'class': 'h5p-hidden-read'
        register('read', $read);

      // Prepare container
      $wrapper = $container;
        .addClass('h5p-question h5p-' + type);

      // Add sections in given order
      var $sections = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < self.order.length; i++) {
        var section = self.order[i];
        if (sections[section]) {
          if (sections[section].parent) {
            // Section has a different parent
          else {
          sections[section].isVisible = true;

      // Only append once to DOM for optimal performance

      // Let others react to dom changes
      self.trigger('domChanged', {
        '$target': $container,
        'library': self.libraryInfo.machineName,
        'contentId': self.contentId,
        'key': 'newLibrary'
      }, {'bubbles': true, 'external': true});

      // ??
      initialized = true;

      return self;

     * Detach all sections from their parents
    self.detachSections = function () {
      // Deinit Question
      initialized = false;

      // Detach sections
      for (var section in sections) {

      return self;

    // Listen for resize
    self.on('resize', function () {
      // Allow elements to attach and set their height before resizing
      if (!sectionsIsTransitioning && && showFeedback) {
        // Resize feedback to fit

      // Re-position feedback popup if in use
      var $element =;
      var $click = clickElement;

      if ($element != null && $element.$element != null && $click != null && $click.$element != null) {
        setTimeout(function () {
          positionFeedbackPopup($element.$element, $click.$element);
        }, 10);


  // Inheritance
  Question.prototype = Object.create(EventDispatcher.prototype);
  Question.prototype.constructor = Question;

   * Determine the overall feedback to display for the question.
   * Returns empty string if no matching range is found.
   * @param {Object[]} feedbacks
   * @param {number} scoreRatio
   * @return {string}
  Question.determineOverallFeedback = function (feedbacks, scoreRatio) {
    scoreRatio = Math.floor(scoreRatio * 100);

    for (var i = 0; i < feedbacks.length; i++) {
      var feedback = feedbacks[i];
      var hasFeedback = ( !== undefined && !== 0);

      if (feedback.from <= scoreRatio && >= scoreRatio && hasFeedback) {

    return '';

  return Question;
})(H5P.jQuery, H5P.EventDispatcher, H5P.JoubelUI);
H5P.Question.Explainer = (function ($) {
   * Constructor
   * @class
   * @param {string} title
   * @param {array} explanations
  function Explainer(title, explanations) {
    var self = this;

     * Create the DOM structure
    var createHTML = function () {
      self.$explanation = $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-container'

      // Add title:
      $('<div>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-title',
        role: 'heading',
        html: title,
        appendTo: self.$explanation

      var $explanationList = $('<ul>', {
        'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-list',
        appendTo: self.$explanation

      for (var i = 0; i < explanations.length; i++) {
        var feedback = explanations[i];
        var $explanationItem = $('<li>', {
          'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-item',
          appendTo: $explanationList

        var $content = $('<div>', {
          'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-status'

        if (feedback.correct) {
          $('<span>', {
            'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-correct',
            html: feedback.correct,
            appendTo: $content
        if (feedback.wrong) {
          $('<span>', {
            'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-wrong',
            html: feedback.wrong,
            appendTo: $content

        if (feedback.text) {
          $('<div>', {
            'class': 'h5p-question-explanation-text',
            html: feedback.text,
            appendTo: $explanationItem


     * Return the container HTMLElement
     * @return {HTMLElement}
    self.getElement = function () {
      return self.$explanation;

  return Explainer;

(function (Question) {

   * Makes it easy to add animated score points for your question type.
   * @class H5P.Question.ScorePoints
  Question.ScorePoints = function () {
    var self = this;

    var elements = [];
    var showElementsTimer;

     * Create the element that displays the score point element for questions.
     * @param {boolean} isCorrect
     * @return {HTMLElement}
    self.getElement = function (isCorrect) {
      var element = document.createElement('div');
      element.classList.add(isCorrect ? 'h5p-question-plus-one' : 'h5p-question-minus-one');

      // Schedule display animation of all added elements
      if (showElementsTimer) {
      showElementsTimer = setTimeout(showElements, 0);

      return element;

     * @private
    var showElements = function () {
      // Determine delay between triggering animations
      var delay = 0;
      var increment = 150;
      var maxTime = 1000;

      if (elements.length && elements.length > Math.ceil(maxTime / increment)) {
        // Animations will run for more than ~1 second, reduce it.
        increment = maxTime / elements.length;

      for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        // Use timer to trigger show
        setTimeout(showElement(elements[i]), delay);

        // Increse delay for next element
        delay += increment;

     * Trigger transition animation for the given element
     * @private
     * @param {HTMLElement} element
     * @return {function}
    var showElement = function (element) {
      return function () {

/*global H5P*/
H5P.ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion = (function ($, Question) {

   * Initialize module.
   * @class H5P.ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion
   * @extends H5P.Question
   * @param {Object} params Behavior settings
   * @param {number} id Content identification
   * @param {Object} contentData Task specific content data
   function ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion(params, id, contentData) {
    var self = this;

    var defaults = {
      imageMultipleHotspotQuestion: {
        backgroundImageSettings: {
          backgroundImage: {
            path: ''
        hotspotSettings: {
          hotspot: []
      behaviour: {
        enableRetry: true

    // Inheritance, 'image-hotspot-question');

     * Keeps track of content id.
     * @type {number}
     this.contentId = id;

     * Keeps track of current score.
     * @type {number}
     this.score = 0;

     * Keeps track of max score.
     * @type {number}
     this.maxScore = 1;

     * Keeps track of parameters
     this.params = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, params);

     * Easier access to image settings.
     this.imageSettings = this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.backgroundImageSettings.backgroundImage;

     * Easier access to hotspot settings.
     this.hotspotSettings = this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings;

     * Hotspot feedback object. Contains hotspot feedback specific parameters.
     * @type {Object}
     this.hotspotFeedback = {
      hotspotChosen: false

     * Keeps track of all the selected correct hotspots in an array.
     * @type {Array}
     this.correctHotspotFeedback = [];

     * Keeps track of all correct hotspots in an array.
     * @type {Array}
     this.$hotspots = [];

     * Keeps track of the content data. Specifically the previous state.
     * @type {Object}
     this.contentData = contentData;
     if (contentData !== undefined && contentData.previousState !== undefined) {
      this.previousState = contentData.previousState;

    // Register resize listener with h5p
    this.on('resize', this.resize);

  // Inheritance
  ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype = Object.create(Question.prototype);
  ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.constructor = ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion;

   * Registers this question types DOM elements before they are attached.
   * Called from H5P.Question.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.registerDomElements = function () {
    // Register task introduction text
    if (this.hotspotSettings.taskDescription) {

    // Register task content area

    // Register retry button


   * Create wrapper and main content for question.
   * @returns {H5P.jQuery} Wrapper
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.createContent = function () {
    var self = this;

    this.$wrapper = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'image-hotspot-question'
    }).ready(function () {
      var imageHeight = self.$wrapper.width() * (self.imageSettings.height / self.imageSettings.width);
      self.$wrapper.css('height', imageHeight + 'px');

    this.$imageWrapper = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'image-wrapper'

    // Image loader screen
    var $loader = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'image-loader'

    this.$img = $('<img>', {
      'class': 'hotspot-image',
      'src': H5P.getPath(this.imageSettings.path, this.contentId)

    // Resize image once loaded
    this.$img.on('load', function () {


    /** Check if user has set number of correct hotspots needed, if number of hotspots
    * needed is greater than number of hotspots in image, default to hotspots length.
    if (this.hotspotSettings.numberHotspots && this.hotspotSettings.numberHotspots <= this.$hotspots.length) {
      this.maxScore = this.hotspotSettings.numberHotspots;
    } else {
      this.maxScore = this.$hotspots.length;
    return this.$wrapper;

   * Initiate image click listener to capture clicks outside of defined hotspots.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.initImageClickListener = function () {
    var self = this;

    this.$ (mouseEvent) {
      if($('.correct, .already-selected, .incorrect')) {
        $(".image-hotspot").each(function() {
          // check if clicked point (taken from event) is inside element
          var mouseX = mouseEvent.pageX;
          var mouseY = mouseEvent.pageY;
          var offset = $(this).offset();
          var width = $(this).width();
          var height = $(this).height();

          if (mouseX > offset.left && mouseX < offset.left+width && mouseY > && mouseY < {
            var e = new jQuery.Event("click");
            e.pageX = mouseX;
            e.pageY = mouseY;
            $(this).trigger(e); // force click event
      } else {
        // Create new hotspot feedback
        self.createHotspotFeedback($(this), mouseEvent);

   * Attaches all hotspots.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.attachHotspots = function () {
    var self = this;
    this.hotspotSettings.hotspot.forEach(function (hotspot) {


   * Attach single hotspot.
   * @param {Object} hotspot Hotspot parameters
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.attachHotspot = function (hotspot) {
    var self = this;
    var $hotspot = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'image-hotspot ' + hotspot.computedSettings.figure
      left: hotspot.computedSettings.x + '%',
      top: hotspot.computedSettings.y + '%',
      width: hotspot.computedSettings.width + '%',
      height: hotspot.computedSettings.height + '%'
    }).click(function (mouseEvent) {

      // Create new hotspot feedback
      self.createHotspotFeedback($(this), mouseEvent, hotspot);

      // Do not propagate
      return false;


    if (hotspot.userSettings.correct) {

   * Create a feedback element for a click.
   * @param {H5P.jQuery} $clickedElement The element that was clicked, a hotspot or the image wrapper.
   * @param {Object} mouseEvent Mouse event containing mouse offsets within clicked element.
   * @param {Object} hotspot Hotspot parameters.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.createHotspotFeedback = function ($clickedElement, mouseEvent, hotspot) {

    var feedbackText;

    if (this.hotspotFeedback.$element && this.hotspotFeedback.incorrect) {

    this.hotspotFeedback = {
      hotspotChosen: false

    // Do not create new hotspot if reached max score
    if (this.score == this.maxScore) {

    this.hotspotFeedback.$element = $('<div>', {
      'class': 'hotspot-feedback'

    this.hotspotFeedback.hotspotChosen = true;

    var feedbackPosX;
    var feedbackPosY;

    if($('hotspot-feedback')) {
      feedbackPosX = mouseEvent.pageX - $(mouseEvent.currentTarget).offset().left;
      feedbackPosY = mouseEvent.pageY - $(mouseEvent.currentTarget).offset().top;
    } else {
      // Center hotspot feedback on mouse click with fallback for firefox
      feedbackPosX = (mouseEvent.offsetX || mouseEvent.pageX - $(;
      feedbackPosY = (mouseEvent.offsetY || mouseEvent.pageY - $(;

    // Apply clicked element offset if click was not in wrapper
    if (!$clickedElement.hasClass('image-wrapper')) {
      feedbackPosX += $clickedElement.position().left;
      feedbackPosY += $clickedElement.position().top;

    // Keep position and pixel offsets for resizing
    this.hotspotFeedback.percentagePosX = feedbackPosX / (this.$imageWrapper.width() / 100);
    this.hotspotFeedback.percentagePosY = feedbackPosY / (this.$imageWrapper.height() / 100);
    this.hotspotFeedback.pixelOffsetX = (this.hotspotFeedback.$element.width() / 2);
    this.hotspotFeedback.pixelOffsetY = (this.hotspotFeedback.$element.height() / 2);

    // Position feedback

    // Style correct answers
    if (hotspot && hotspot.userSettings.correct && !hotspot.userSettings.selected) {
      hotspot.userSettings.selected = true;
      this.score = this.score + 1;
      if (hotspot && hotspot.userSettings.feedbackText) {
        if (this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings.hotspotName) {
          feedbackText = (this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings.hotspotName ? hotspot.userSettings.feedbackText+' '+this.score+' of '+this.maxScore+' '+this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings.hotspotName+'.' : hotspot.userSettings.feedbackText+' '+this.score+' of '+this.maxScore+'.');
      this.hotspotFeedback.incorrect = false;
    } else if (hotspot && hotspot.userSettings.selected) {
      feedbackText = this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings.alreadySelectedFeedback;
      this.hotspotFeedback.incorrect = true;
    } else if (hotspot) {
      feedbackText = hotspot.userSettings.feedbackText;
      this.hotspotFeedback.incorrect = true;
    } else {
      feedbackText = this.params.imageMultipleHotspotQuestion.hotspotSettings.noneSelectedFeedback;
      this.hotspotFeedback.incorrect = true;
    if (!feedbackText) {
      feedbackText = '&nbsp;';

    this.setFeedback(feedbackText, this.score, this.maxScore);

    // Finally add fade in animation to hotspot feedback

    // Trigger xAPI completed event
    this.triggerXAPIScored(this.getScore(), this.getMaxScore(), 'answered');

   * Create retry button and add it to button bar.
  ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.createRetryButton = function () {
    var self = this;

    this.addButton('retry-button', 'Retry', function () {
    }, false);

   * Checks if an answer for this question has been given.
   * Used in contracts.
   * @returns {boolean}
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.getAnswerGiven = function () {
    return this.hotspotChosen;

   * Gets the current user score for this question.
   * Used in contracts
   * @returns {number}
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.getScore = function () {
    return this.score;

   * Gets the max score for this question.
   * Used in contracts.
   * @returns {number}
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.getMaxScore = function () {
    return this.maxScore;

   * Display the first found solution for this question.
   * Used in contracts
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.showSolutions = function () {
    var self = this;
    var foundSolution = false;

    this.hotspotSettings.hotspot.forEach(function (hotspot, index) {
      if (hotspot.userSettings.correct && !foundSolution) {
        var $correctHotspot = self.$hotspots[index];
        self.createHotspotFeedback($correctHotspot, {offsetX: ($correctHotspot.width() / 2), offsetY: ($correctHotspot.height() / 2)}, hotspot);
        foundSolution = true;

   * Resets the question.
   * Used in contracts.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.resetTask = function () {
    // Remove hotspot feedback
    if (this.hotspotFeedback.$element) {

    // Remove any correct hotspots from array
    this.correctHotspotFeedback = [];

    this.score = 0;
    this.hotspotFeedback.hotspotChosen = false;

    // Hide retry button

    // Clear feedback

   * Resize image and wrapper
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.resize = function () {

   * Resize image to fit parent width.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.resizeImage = function () {
    var self = this;

    // Check that question has been attached
    if (!(this.$wrapper && this.$img)) {

    // Resize image to fit new container width.
    var parentWidth = this.$wrapper.width();

    // Find required height for new width.
    var naturalWidth = this.$img.get(0).naturalWidth;
    var naturalHeight = this.$img.get(0).naturalHeight;
    var imageRatio = naturalHeight / naturalWidth;
    var neededHeight = -1;
    if (parentWidth < naturalWidth) {
      // Scale image down
      neededHeight = parentWidth * imageRatio;
    } else {
      // Scale image to natural size
      neededHeight = naturalHeight;

    if (neededHeight !== -1) {

      // Resize wrapper to match image.

   * Re-position correct hotspot feedback.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.resizeCorrectHotspotFeedback = function () {
    // Check that hotspot is chosen
    if (this.correctHotspotFeedback.length === 0) {

    for (i=0; i < this.correctHotspotFeedback.length; i++) {
      // Calculate positions
      var posX = (this.correctHotspotFeedback[i].percentagePosX * (this.$imageWrapper.width() / 100)) - this.correctHotspotFeedback[i].pixelOffsetX;
      var posY = (this.correctHotspotFeedback[i].percentagePosY * (this.$imageWrapper.height() / 100)) - this.correctHotspotFeedback[i].pixelOffsetY;

      // Apply new positions
        left: posX,
        top: posY

   * Re-position hotspot feedback.
   ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion.prototype.resizeHotspotFeedback = function () {
    // Check that hotspot is chosen
    if (!this.hotspotFeedback.hotspotChosen) {

    // Calculate positions
    var posX = (this.hotspotFeedback.percentagePosX * (this.$imageWrapper.width() / 100)) - this.hotspotFeedback.pixelOffsetX;
    var posY = (this.hotspotFeedback.percentagePosY * (this.$imageWrapper.height() / 100)) - this.hotspotFeedback.pixelOffsetY;

    // Apply new positions
      left: posX,
      top: posY

  return ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion;
}(H5P.jQuery, H5P.Question));