[A#2, P1] Working Values


We think it is very important to consider the needs of everyone impacted by the registration process. It’s definitely important to work together with them in making changes, and getting their view and opinions. Insights from a larger group of people with different stakes, could also help better identify underlying problems and finding new solutions. Solving root issues might be hard because some of them might be out of our control or scope, like the process of proving one’s identity via Online-ID or Post-Ident, but is still very important because it can lead to large improvements. First solutions are never perfect so it is important to continuously test and refine with everyone involved.

registration process

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

We would like to make the registration and activation process for the DAK ePA app simpler and more intuitive. We also want the user to understand the steps he is taking, instead of blindly tapping next.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?

The registration process is the first contact a user has with the app. If it’s a complicated process, the user might be discouraged from using the app altogether. Making this process simpler will allow more, less technologically literate people to use the app. These people might also need help and a simpler app is quicker to explain.

Who are your intended stakeholders?

Anyone who needs to register. Those who are interested in wide adoption for efficiency reasons, and quality of care like health insurers, doctors, politicians, care workers, …, developers who want user satisfaction, paramedics needing emergency information, people who have to set up the app for others, hackers looking to find data, people waiting for organ donation, employers, and many others.

Where is your user group interacting with your software?

Visiting the doctor, in medical emergencies, in hospitals, at border crossings, at home, care homes

When is the user group interacting with your software?

Getting diagnosed, getting vaccinated, getting treated, proving vaccination, going to the doctor, checking medication, not being able to go to work, going abroad, proving prescriptions

Who contributed what?

We collected insights and answered the question together. Niklas documented the signup process.

What have we learnt?

There are many many stakeholders involved.

What went well?


What can be improved upon?

It is tiring working when not fully healthy.

[A#1, P1] The Challenge of Registration

Teamname: register


The ePA soon being an opt-out option, it will become something almost everyone uses in the near future. Considering the wide use the accompanying apps are intended for, it is a big problem most of them have atrocious reviews. Access to the app and thereby the data in one’s ePA is an integral part in building patients’ trust in the ePA by facilitating transparency. Trust is important to improve adoption of the ePA, as it comes with many benefits to patients, doctors and insurance companies. In our project we will focus on the DAK’s implementation of the ePA. We got quick access to it as it allows verifying identity via Post-Ident, which allows for Online-IDs, instead of verification by letter.

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

The registration and activation process for the DAK ePA, although possible to complete entirely online, is quite long and not particularly intuitive. The user is sent back and forth between two apps, web apps and eMails. In our project we will focus on simplifying it and making it a more intuitive process, providing a clear flow for the user.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?

The registration process is the first contact a user has with the app. If it’s a complicated process, the user might be discouraged from using the app altogether. Making this process simpler will allow more, less technologically literate people to use the app.

Who are the intended stakeholder?

Anyone planning on using the app who has not gone through the registration process yet, as well as those who have interest in a wide adoption of the ePA e.g. Doctors and the DAK, would benefit from improvements in the registration process.

Who contributed what?

We collected insights and answered the question together. Niklas signed up for the DAK ePA, Alfred signed up for the TK ePA.

What have we learnt?

The existing apps for the ePA are mostly quite bad. Documenting privacy focused apps is hard as they don’t allow for screenshots.

What went well?

It was quite easy finding things that can be improved.

What can be improved upon?

Our time management did not leave any time to spare. The team name.

[A5, P1] Assignment 1


Choose a team name.

Team HenClaSör

Summarize your insights with a short description (about 150 words).

DiGA: The „Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen“(„Digital Health Applications“) is a program that aims to provide patients with access to digital health applications that are approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). These applications can be used to support the treatment of various medical conditions, such as diabetes, depression, or chronic pain. To be temporarily approved as a DiGA, an application must meet certain safety and data protection standards. This is not an easy task and often takes a lot of money and time. Once this is achieved, DiGAs can, for the duration of one year, be prescribed by doctors and reimbursed by health insurance companies. During said year, the application must demonstrate that it has a positive effect on patient health outcomes, and can thus be permanently approved. Otherwise, the application will be struck from the record of DiGA.

ePA: The ePa, the electronic patient record, is designed as a standardised secure medical data storage provided by the patients German health insurance. Medical emergency data, medical reports, vaccination certificates, examination requests and more are easily accessible to the patient. The extent to which doctors can access these records depends on the permission of the patient. This eases the complications of record compilation for a complete overview of said patients health and can therefore prevent, for example, loss of information, delayed treatment or diagnosis as well as unnecessary repeated examinations.

Please answer the following questions (first part of the Five Ws):

  1. What is the challenge you would like to tackle? For example, the registration process is challenging, the privacy policy is not well explained, and the utility of the app is not transparent.

For the project of our choice, the DiGA, there are multiple areas of potential problems that can impact the use of the applications. 

Useability – Are said features easy to use, or unnecessary complicated? Does the user understand the GTC(general standard terms and conditions) and how the data entered into this app can be used by the company of this application? 

Utility – does the application offer the necessary features to properly help the patient manage their illness and/or problems resulting from said illness? 

Security – how secure is the storage of personal and medical data? Can the data entered be lost easily, is there an option for a backup?

  1. Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
    Why is that an interesting problem?

Any issues examined in the context of this course can then be used to assist developers in further development of the examined, and similar, application. The better these applications are, the more they can help people struggling with a variety of health issues.

  1. Who are your intended stakeholders?
    And who might be the indirect stakeholders?
    For example, elderlies, parents, people with a certain illness, etc.

As we examine the application for issues on security, utility and usability, one of our intended stakeholders are developers of applications. Another stakeholder are patients struggling with health issues said applications are intended to assist with.

Indirect stakeholders are Health insurance providers. They can profit from the increasing effects, as DiGAs can replace more costly treatment, especially in matters of mental health, as well as the patients immediate social circles, who gain from said patients‘ increased or more manageable health.


Was habt ihr gelernt?

Teilaufgabe 2 und 3 besonders gab uns einen Einblick in künftige technische Möglichkeiten in Bezug zur Digitalisierung von Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und Hilfen zum Management des Alltagsleben trotz schwerer Krankheiten. Sowie den Schwierigkeitsgrad, ohne vom Arzt bestätigte Diagnose an eine kostenfreie, von der BfArM angenommene, Application zu kommen. Und dass diese Diagnose Auswirkungen wie Versicherungsbeiträge u.ä. haben kann.

Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Wir haben uns alle drei um die Suche um eine geeignete DiGA engagiert, trotz der Probleme eine kostenfreie, diagnose-freie App zu finden.

Was lief gut?

Bis auf die W-Fragen waren die Teilaufgaben schnell bearbeitet und der Sachinhalt verstanden.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

Wir haben keinen unbeschränkten Zugang zu einer DiGA, da diese Diagnosen erfordern, die bei keinem in unserem Team bereits im System eingetragen sind. Bei frei zugänglichen Apps gibt es meist paywalls, die Funktionen blockieren, oder die App selbst ist kostenpflichtig. Daher konnten wir die W-Fragen nicht auf eine spezifische App bezogen beantworten. Das möchten wir bis nächste Woche ändern.

[A1, P3] basics to ePa and DiGA

Teilaufgabe 1: uns ist noch kein Teamname eingefallen 🙁

Teilaufgabe 3: The electronic patient record (ePA) and digital health applications (DiGA) are two digital health initiatives in Germany. The ePA is a digital health record that allows patients to store and share their medical data with their healthcare providers. Patients can use the ePA to manage their medication, access test results, and view their vaccination records. The DiGA is a digital health application that is designed to improve patient health outcomes and are eligible for reimbursement by German health insurance companies. DiGAs can be used to support the treatment of chronic diseases, mental health issues, and other conditions. They can also help patients manage their health and wellbeing through various digital tools, such as tracking their symptoms, providing educational content, and enabling telemedicine consultations. Overall, both ePA and DiGA aim to improve patient care and outcomes in Germany. While ePA focuses on the storage and sharing of medical records, DiGA offers a range of digital tools to support the treatment and management of various health conditions.

Teilaufgabe 4: We decided to do our prject on the DiGA: Smoke Free

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
The Dashboard is overwhelming and overall the app seems to have a lot of functionality that is not explained. We would like to introduce an instruction/tutorial to guide new users through the functionality the app provides.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
we want to make the user experience for the app better, so that people use it for a longer time and reach their goal to stop smoking.

Who are your intended stakeholders?
smokers, health institutions, maybe doctors,


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet? All of us did the research for Task 3 and searched for a fitting DiGA. Anna and Alexandra wrote the blog entry. Henry found the DiGA we want to use,

Was habt ihr gelernt? We improved our knowledge about ePA and DiGA. We learned how to write this blogentry 🙂

Was lief gut? We had a good process to decide on a DiGa for the project

Was möchtet ihr verbessern? We want to improve our communtcation skills, so we can work better together.

[A#1, T4] ePA or DiGa?

  • Choose a team name: Digital Natives

Summarize your insights with a short description (about 150 words).

ePA stands for electronic patient record and is a digital platform used in the healthcare sector to store and manage patient health information. The ePA provides doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers with access to a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, test results, and treatment plans. The ePA also enables patients to access their medical records, monitor their health status, and share information with their healthcare providers.

DiGA stands for Digital Health Applications and refers to medical apps or digital tools that can be prescribed by doctors and reimbursed by health insurance providers. DiGAs are intended to improve patient care and health outcomes by supporting prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. DiGAs can address a wide range of health issues, including mental health, chronic conditions, and physical disabilities.

Both the ePA and the DiGA are part of the attempt to digitise the German healthcare system such that it benefits healthcare workers (doctors, nurses etc), patients and science.

Some questions

How will be ensured that every user, no matter their digital capabilities, will be able to handle the ePA?

In what way will they visualise who has when access to what data?

Why does every BKK implement its own ePA?

How hard is the development and licensing of a DiGA?

How Are the developers payed?

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

Currently, there are 45 active DiGAs. They tackle different medical topics such as depression, COPD, insomnia etc. But many illnesses which could potentially be eased by a DiGA.

Our case is asthma. Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways which cannot be cured as of today. It can be controlled by medication and various other factors. There is a device, called a Peak-Flow, which is often used to measure ones conditions at home to get more than a subjective feeling of the state of ones asthma.

To support people in taking their meds, using their peak-flow and filling in their asthma diary, a DiGA could be very helpful.

We want to checkout current asthma apps, find out why they are not a DiGA and try to improve their approach to the problem

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?

One of our group members has asthma and remembers the annoying asthma diary and how his doctor was always annoyed by him not taking care of it with more discipline.

Since there are digital approaches which are not in the DiGA register yet, there might be problems with these apps or with the DiGA registration process.

Who are your intended stakeholders?

Asthma patients, doctors, developers of asthma apps


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Nachdem wir uns alle eingelesen und unser neues Wissen miteinander geteilt haben, haben wir länger über ein mögliches interessantes Thema gesprochen. Ausformuliert hat den text Simon.

Was habt ihr gelernt?

Vieles über die ePA und warum diese nur so schleppend voran kommt. Einige von uns hatten noch nie von DiGAs gehört.

Was lief gut?

Die Kommunikation in unsere Chatgruppe lief reibungslos, obwohl 2/3 krank im Bett lagen.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

Entscheidungsfindung in einer Gruppe ist oft nicht so einfach, so auch bei uns. Allerdings kostet es den Grossteil der Zeit, darüber zu diskutieren, obwohl niemand eine starke Meinung hat. Wir hätten früher mit der Aufgabe beginnen sollen, was allerdings wegen Krankheit nicht möglich war. Das schreiben in diesem Blocksystem ermöglich leider kein gemeinsames Bearbeiten eines Posts.

Assignment 2

In your second assignment, you will reflect on your goals by finalizing the five W and reflecting on your values (Lächeln) Please also take the time and discuss with your team how you want to organize your collaboration.

I suggest the following procedure:

  1. Reflect on the feedback you received in class, the explored stakeholders, and their values.
  2. Read the article on „Humanity-Centered Design and think about the main insights. What values are important for you and your team regarding your project goals. Please describe those in about 100 words.
  3. Dive again into the material on the „ePA“ and on „DiGA“. Please add useful resources.
  4. Please answer the following questions (by reflecting on the feedback received in the exercise):
    1. What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
      For example, the registration process is challenging, the privacy policy is not well explained, and the utility of the app is not transparent.
    2. Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
      Why is that an interesting problem?
    3. Who are your intended stakeholders?
      And who might be the indirect stakeholders?
      For example, elderlies, parents, people with a certain illness, etc.
    4. Where is your user group interacting with your software?
      For example, at home, in the hospital, or on the go.
    5. When is the user group interacting with your software?
      For example, only when being in the hospital, while biking, or daily in the morning.

Deliverable: Summarize your answers in a blog post again! Use the provided template. Please ensure that the post has a pleasant layout. For example, graphics and images are great tinymce.emotions_dlg.smile

[A1, P6] ePA – an ode to (non-) usability

Group name

„Make ePA work again“


We looked into the ePA applications of our health insurance companies. One of the applications did not work at all (screenshot below).

For the other application the registration process turned out to be quite complicated, as we were presented with the options to either receive a physical letter with a one time sign in code or a authentication by state issued ID. We decided to go for the latter.

As the authentication self was outsourced to a secondary company we were required to install another app and pass a set of privacy statements. In the end the registration worked, but the ePA could not be used as it required an higher android version.

We also found a desktop application with a dedicated demo mode, which we can use for our first analysis. We already encountered some problems like bugs with this demo mode.

In general, our first impression is that, on the one hand, the technical implementation of the applications is immature or not functional at all, and on the other hand, the registration process is too complicated for a large part of the presumed target group.

Cryptical error message of the hkk-ePA-application after starting it


What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

We want to improve the general experience for users with using the applications. Therefore we want to evaluate the application from a user-centric point of view to analyze the challenges and problems users have to face when using it

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful? Why is that an interesting problem?

An evaluation of an application from an user-centric point of view with various scientific methods from the field of HCI will hopefully lead to an measurable improvement of its usability for the target group.

Who are your intended stakeholders? And who might be the indirect stakeholders?

As we are trying to improve the user interface and general user experience, the direct stakeholders would be the users of the applications. The applications developers can be considered as indirect stakeholders. Therefore our work might have an impact on their part.


We both did some research on our own and then came together to discuss our findings and write this blog post. We learned that the ePA applications deliver a bad user experience across different platforms/providers or do not work at all. We were a little confused about the specifics of the assignment and the use of the provided tools. We were not quite sure how the assignment had to be handed in.

[A#2, P1] Thoughts on Assignment 1

Choose a team name

Die Vergessenen

Dive into the material provided on the „ePA“ and „DiGA“ and summarize your insights with a short description (about 150 words)

The ePA is an electronic patient record designed to provide patients with German health insurance with a secure and easily accessible storage system for their health-related data. With the ePA, patients can give healthcare professionals access to important information such as their medical history and medication plan. The sovereignty over the ePA lies with the user. They decide which third parties may access the ePA and the documents it contains. Patients can also share their ePA with their healthcare providers, which can improve communication and collaboration between doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. The ePA also provides a list of all the DiGAs the patient has access to.

DiGAs, on the other hand, are digital health apps that patients can use to manage their health, such as recording symptoms in a diary (such as endometriosis symptoms in the Endo app). These apps are designed to empower patients to understand health contexts and gain health knowledge, take control of their health, and improve their quality of life. They are intended to supplement traditional medical treatment.

Screenshot from the Endo app with which you can track endometriosis symptoms, among other things

Please answer the following questions (first part of the Five Ws)

What is the challenge you would like to tackle? For example, the registration process is challenging, the privacy policy is not well explained, and the utility of the app is not transparent.

The difficulty of the registration process depends greatly on the health insurance company. Some health insurance companies only require a code for registration, which is provided by the health insurance app. For other health insurance companies, registration takes a few days through the Post-Ident process and the PIN letter, which is then delivered by post. Despite the major differences, registration is straightforward overall.

Once in the ePA the user always has the option to manage the patient record, such as look up who has access to the users data, withdrawal of consent or even to cancel the patient record.

Data protection issues may be more exciting. For example, TK’s privacy policy is very long. Copying the entire text results in a 27-page document. Probably few patients will read through it, certainly not on a smartphone. One possible focus of the project could be to explain the privacy policy in a more understandable and user-friendly way.

Security issues could also be of interest. Health-related data are highly sensitive and could be misused for malicious purposes if they fall into the wrong hands. One could investigate possible security vulnerabilities.

One could also compare the utility of the apps of the different health insurance companies in order to give users recommendations as well as health insurance companies suggestions for improvement. In addition to that, we might also take a look at the usability, like how UI and UX come together. 

Or one could tackle the problem of increasing adoption and awareness of digital health tools. Since more and more healthcare services move online this is an urgent problem that needs to be tackled.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful? Why is that an interesting problem?

Data protection and security of health data are an urgent issue. It is essential to ensure that patients‘ rights are protected. The user-friendliness of these apps should be optimized to encourage their adoption.

Who are your intended stakeholders? And who might be the indirect stakeholders? For example, elderlies, parents, people with a certain illness, etc.

The intended stakeholders are patients and healthcare professionals, as they are the main users of these technologies. Another stakeholder would be the healthcare organization as they need to be aware of the problems, so that they can tackle them to make everything more mainstream.

Indirect stakeholders may include insurers, researchers, and policymakers who can use the data generated by ePAs and DiGas to make decisions regarding health policies like determining where research funds might go.


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Jeder hat seine eigene ePA in Betrieb genommen und erkundet. Das Assignment haben wir gemeinsam gemacht. 

Was habt ihr gelernt?

Nur zu sagen “Wir wollen uns mit der ePA beschäftigen” schränkt das Gebiet nicht sonderlich ein. Die Apps der einzelnen Krankenkassen unterscheiden sich nicht nur in der Registrierung, sondern auch im Aufbau selbst.
Dazu kommen Fragen zur Privatsphäre, wenn schon Daten in der eigenen ePA vorliegen. Den Umgang damit müssen wir noch klären, da wir Screenshots verwenden wollen.

Was lief gut?

Die W-Fragen zu beantworten hat gut funktioniert, da diese aktuell sehr ausschweifend beantwortet werden können. Das Setup unserer Apps gelang ohne große Probleme, wenn man von den Wartungsarbeiten der Krankenkassen an den ersten Tagen absieht.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

Bisher haben wir uns noch auf kein genaues Thema festgelegt; bloß die ePA als Gebiet steht fest. Für den nächsten Blogbeitrag möchten wir uns näher mit dem dann gewählten Thema befassen.

Wenn wir uns mit einer bestimmten Krankenkasse beschäftigen wollen, müssen wir uns für eine entscheiden. Bestenfalls nutzt diese jemand aus dem Team.