[A2, P3] Assignment 2

Main insights

The article highlights the importance of designing products and services with a human-centered perspective that prioritizes the needs and experiences of the people who will use them. This approach requires a deep understanding of user behavior and preferences, as well as a focus on empathy, collaboration, and iteration. The points that are important for a humanity-centered design approach include solving the root issues, focusing on the entire ecosystem, taking a long-term approach, continually testing the designs, and working with the community.

In our project, it’s important not just to think about solving smoking habits itself but to understand the root issue – what’s putting back people who try to quit smoking. And as a result, to provide an app that supports users and knows which problems they are going to have on their journey.

Useful resources

Sicherheitslücke edupression: https://www.heise.de/news/DiGA-Hacker-offenbaren-Sicherheitsluecken-in-Depressions-App-8989065.html

FaQ Diga: https://www.bfarm.de/DE/Medizinprodukte/Aufgaben/DiGA-und-DiPA/DiGA/_node.html

Nebenwirkungen rauchen aufhören: https://www.barmer.de/gesundheit-verstehen/psyche/sucht/rauchen-aufhoeren-koerper-1055172

Rauchen aufhören: https://gesund.bund.de/rauchen#nach-dem-rauchstopp

ePA: https://www.bundesaerztekammer.de/themen/aerzte/digitalisierung/digitale-anwendungen/telematikinfrastruktur/epa

Research article about the relative effectiveness of a full versus reduced version of the ‚Smoke Free‘ app: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327810529_Relative_effectiveness_of_a_full_versus_reduced_version_of_the_’Smoke_Free’_mobile_application_for_smoking_cessation_a_randomised_controlled_trial/fulltext/5ba5a410a6fdccd3cb69e679/Relative-effectiveness-of-a-full-versus-reduced-version-of-the-Smoke-Free-mobile-application-for-smoking-cessation-a-randomised-controlled-trial.pdf

Does the addition of a supportive chatbot promote user engagement with a smoking cessation app? An experimental study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6775545/pdf/10.1177_2055207619880676.pdf


What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
First, we would like to provide a user with a short instruction on how to use the app. The content library and dashboards should be improved to make it less overwhelming and intuitively understandable. We want a person to feel the guidance, support, and efficiency of using the app. That’s why our goal is to connect the daily tracking with the motivation section and some advice – all of which are now separated.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
The suggested changings in the app will make it more intuitive and supportive. As a result, people will be more likely to use it longer and quit smoking.

Who are your intended stakeholders?
Direct: smokers
Indirect: health institutions, doctors and hospitals, insurance companies, social circle of smokers, environment specialists, researchers, the tobacco industry, sustainability experts, human rights organizations (no more child labor on tobacco fields), government (regulation of cigarettes (see new zealand), fewer taxes), tobacco farmers, biodiversity experts (fewer tobacco fields mean more possible other plants on the fields), city cleaning service (don’t need to clean the waste of cigarettes)

Where is your user group interacting with your software?
At home, in the hospital, or on the go.

When is the user group interacting with your software?
Any time during the day when the user wants to fix the result, write some thoughts, see the progress, or get some advice. Possibly while being in the hospital.


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Wir haben gemeinsam zum Thema Rauchentwöhnung recherchiert und einige relevante Studien gesammelt.
Alexandra hat sich mit den für unsere App relevanten Stakeholder und den 5 W-Fragen beschäftigt.
Anna hat die Reflexion geschrieben und sich um die Aufbereitung der Informationen für den Blogpost gekümmert. Henry hat hilfreiche Informationen zum Zulassungsverfahren von DiGAs gesammelt.

Was habt ihr gelernt?

Wir haben uns mit der DiGA „Smoke Free“ intensiv beschäftigt und sowohl gelernt, welche Funktionen diese bietet, als auch wie ihr Bezahlmodell funktioniert. Ebenfalls haben wir gelernt, welche Voraussetzungen eine App mit sich bringen muss, um als DiGA zugelassen werden zu können, als auch was die Unterschiede zwischen einer vorläufigen und dauerhaften Aufnahme sind.

Was lief gut?

Wir konnten uns schnell auf eine konkrete DiGA festlegen. Ebenfalls haben wir ein Miro-Board angelegt, um stets einen guten Überblick über unsere gesammelten Quellen als auch gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zu haben.