CELIA Interest Group

Celia: The Co-Evolution of Language, Interaction and Architecture

CELIA is a loosely-knit interest group which formed as a result of a workshop initiated by the InteractionLab and Kenan Hochuli from the University of Zürich (see description, program and abstracts below). The group comprises established and early career researchers from a variety of disciplines interested in the exploration of spatial, linguistic and interactional aspects integrating evolutionary and archaeological perspectives. Currently, the group is planning a follow-up meeting in February 2026. As our plans become more concrete, updates and information will be available on this page. If you would like to join our group, please send an email to antje.wilton[at]fu-berlin.de.

Workshop 2024

The Co-Evolution of Language, Interaction and Architecture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Exploring the dynamic interplay between human interaction and architecture, this workshop investigated how humans through time have shaped and adapted their surroundings to fit practical as well as social purposes, providing a locus for these activities. Emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach, we presented contributions that highlight the co-evolution of language, interaction, and the material environment from their disciplinary perspectives, from such diverse areas as linguistics, sociology, architectural studies, (experimental) archaeology, anthropology and primatology. The aim was to provide an informal platform for discussion and exchange, identifying potential avenues for future research and collaboration.

When? May 23-24, 2024

Where? Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Who? Prof. Dr. Antje Wilton (Berlin) & Dr. Kenan Hochuli (Zürich)



Wednesday, May 22
from 18:00Warming upRestaurant Piaggio www.ristorante-piaggio.de
Thursday, May 23
09:00Welcome & IntroductionAntje Wilton & Kenan Hochuli
09:30Environmental affordances in great ape communication: Insights from studies on wild and captive orangutansMarlen Fröhlich (Tübingen, Germany)
10:45Information Encoding in the PaleolithicChristian Bentz (Tübingen, Germany) & Eva Dutkiewicz (Berlin, Germany)
11:30Language and the NeolithicSteven Mithen (Reading, UK)
14:00Creating a space for communication: evidence from early human evolutionMiriam Haidle (Tübingen, Germany)
14:45The Origin and Evolution of the Home: An Archaeological PerspectiveAmy Clark (Harvard, USA)
16:00Shadow, fire, and facewall – architecture and interaction in evolutionKenan Hochuli (Zürich, Switzerland)
16:45Project Report: Digital VisualisationBjarne Kortmann (DAI, FU Berlin, Germany)
17:00DiscussionDiscussant: Heiko Hausendorf (Zürich, Switzerland)
18:00End of day 1
19:00DinnerRestaurant Luise www.luise-dahlem.de
Friday, May 24
09:00Exploring the Past, Building the Future: Earthen Architecture in the Mediterranean Through Architectural Studies, Sensory Perception and Experimental ArchaeologyMarta Lorenzon (Helsinki, Finland)
09:45Drawing Drumadoon – Understanding Place Making, Building and Interaction in the PastLesley McFadyen (London, UK)
11:00Considering Space within the Sociomaterial Arrangements of Glasgow’s ShowpeopleGraham Skeate (Leuven, Belgium & Edinburgh, UK)
11:45Semantic Specifity and Dense Forest Environments – A View from AmazoniaKarolin Obert (Lund, Sweden)
14:00Ephemeral structures, sleeping safely, and language as evolutionary advantagesLinda Hurcombe (Exeter, UK)
14:45Data Session: Making SpaceAntje Wilton (Berlin, Germany)
16:15Final discussionDiscussant: Heiko Hausendorf (Zürich, Switzerland)
17:30End of workshop




Freie Universität Berlin

Room L 115 // Seminarzentrum

Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Mensa FU II), 14195 Berlin



Prof. Dr. Antje Wilton

Email: antje.wilton-franklin[at]fu-berlin.de