KI-Offensive von Microsoft

Bild:, Simon, CC0 Creative Commons

In der letzten Folge des Blogs haben wir beschrieben, wie Microsoft die digitale Schlüsseltechnik „Künstliche Intelligenz“ (engl. AI Artificial Intelligence) in seine Office-Produkte einfließen lässt.

Das ist aber nur ein kleiner Teil der derzeitigen Offensive von Microsoft: An vielen wichtigen Baustellen des öffentlichen Lebens wird versucht, Prozesse mit Künstlicher Intelligenz zu optimieren.

Beispiel 1 -> Verkehrsmanagement: Pilotprojekt Microsoft/Siemens
(Achtung, es handelt sich um Anzeigen, die aber wie ein Zeitungsartikel geschrieben sind.)

Beispiel 2 -> Microsoft KI hilft Menschen mit Herzschwäche

Es wird Zeit, dass Deutschland im Bereich KI aktiver wird, denn Experten sehen Deutschland international bei dieser Technologie bereits als abgehängt.

Ganz aktuell! Wer sich kurzfristig über KI und digitale Transformationen an Hochschulen kostenlos informieren will, hat am 11.04.2019 an der Freien Universität Berlin die Möglichkeit dazu. Eine Anmeldung und auch die Agenda der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier.

7 Gedanken zu „KI-Offensive von Microsoft“

  1. This post examines Microsoft’s AI strategy and growing investments in the space. While not directly addressed, continued improvements in natural language systems like ChatGPT seem likely as tech giants compete in AI development. However, as noted, clear ethical guidelines and guardrails are essential as adoption expands. An insightful look at the accelerating AI initiatives of a major player in the field.

  2. Deze update over kunstmatige intelligentie is echt leuk.Ik zal zeker proberen om deze stappen te implementeren op Chat GPT. Blijf leuke dingen delen!

  3. ChatGPT, OpenAI’s state-of-the-art language model, is making a significant impact in Korea, a country celebrated for its rapid technological advancements and digital innovation. By understanding and generating human-like text, Chatgpt is transforming communication across various sectors and becoming an integral part of Korea’s tech ecosystem.

  4. Discover the power of AI in Spanish with ChatGPT Español—your ultimate destination for seamless conversations, creativity, and productivity. Our platform is designed to cater specifically to Spanish-speaking users, offering accurate, culturally aware, and contextually relevant interactions.

    Whether you’re here to enhance your business, explore creative ideas, or simply enjoy engaging discussions, ChatGPT Español provides the tools and assistance you need. With a user-friendly interface and a deep understanding of the Spanish language, we’re here to make AI accessible and beneficial for everyone in the Spanish-speaking community.

  5. Chat GPT is revolutionizing the entrepreneurial landscape by providing startups with powerful AI-driven tools. Entrepreneurs can leverage ChatGPT for market research, customer engagement, and streamlined operations. From crafting compelling marketing content to automating customer support, ChatGPT Español empowers startups to innovate, scale, and succeed in an increasingly competitive market. With its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT is a vital asset for any aspiring business leader.

  6. Chat ChatGPT is transforming the entrepreneurial landscape by equipping startups with powerful AI-driven tools. Entrepreneurs can utilize Open AI Japan for market research, enhancing customer engagement, and optimizing operations. From creating persuasive marketing content to automating customer support, OpenAIJapan empowers startups to innovate, grow, and thrive in a highly competitive environment. With its advanced features, OpenAIJapan is an essential resource for any aspiring business leader.

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