Paper published in the „European Educational Research Journal“

The paper „COVID-19 and its effects: On the risk of social inequality through digitalization and the loss of trust in three European education systems“ (Bormann, Inka; Brøgger, Katja, Pol, Milan; Lazarova, Bohumira) is now published in the European Educational Research Journal’s special issue „Education in Europe and the COVID-19 Pandemic“.

Abstract: This paper develops informed assumptions on the potential loss of trust as an unintended side-effect of the measures in education to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Well-founded concerns according to which the pandemic-induced closure of educational facilities and the shift to digitalized distance education are contributing to increased social inequality in education serve as a starting point for the argumentation. The paper contends that together with the temporary changes in the style of educational governance, in the medium term an exacerbated social inequality in education can cause a potential trust problem for the central actors imposing the measures. To support this line of reasoning, the exploratory study describes the context conditions which are relevant for the implementation and participation in digitalized distance education (measures, access and competent use of digital devices in education, level of trust) and combines them with the findings of a qualitative analysis of relevant documents from three European countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany). A neo-institutional view is applied to exploring the implications of the changes in education governance and their potential side-effects on trust.



Vortrag bei der Tagung „In Education We Trust“

Gemeinsam haben Prof. Dr. Barbara Thies (Technische Universität Braunschweig) und Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann bei der diesjährigen Tagung des Georg-Eckert-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Schulbuchforschung „In Education We Trust“ Ergebnisse ihrer Forschung zum „Habituellen Vertrauen als Ressource für Bildungsbiographien“ präsentiert.
Aufgrund der Coronavirus Pandemie fand die Tagung am 10. Dezember 2020  als online-Veranstaltung statt.

Preis für beste Lehre

Am 26.11.2020 wurde am Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie erneut der Preis für beste Lehre vergeben. In der Gruppe der HochschullehrerInnen (Erziehungswissenschaft) wurde in diesem Jahr der Lehrpreis an Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann verliehen.

Herzlichen Dank für diese besondere Auszeichnung, über die ich mich sehr freue, und ebenso herzlichen Dank an die Studierenden für ihr großes Engagement!

Paper on the Comprehensive Model of Trust in Education published in „Review of Education“ (OA)

The article „A Comprehensive Model of Trust in Education. Conclusions from a literature review“ (Sebastian Niedlich, Annika Kallfaß, Silvana Pohle and Inka Bormann) is now published in the Review of Education.
You can access the paper here (Open Access): 

Special Issue on „Trust in Educational Settings: European Perspectives“

The Division of General Education at the Freie Universität Berlin is guest-editing a special issue on „Trust in Educational Settings. European Perspectives„. The special issue will include invited research papers from across Europe that will address, for example, trust in educational leadership, trust in higher education systems, trust in and towards schools.
The (invited) papers in this Special Issue are from Finland,  Denmark, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Germany.

Research semester (I. Bormann)

During her research semester (October 2020 – March 2021), Prof. Dr. Inka Bormann is invited as a visiting Professor at universities in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, unfortunately these stays cannot take place on site. Many of the planned activities, such as research workshops, lectures and co-teaching, however, will now take place in online formats instead.

Find an interview with Inka Bormann on her digital research semester here.