Cognitive Walkthrough is an evaluation method, more precisely a Usability Inspection, in which no user participates.
This method focuses on the learnability of an application and what actions a new user would take for a given task and document it.
Therefore a usability expert emphasizes with a potential user and carry-out the given tasks.
For the procedure you need:
- a description of the prototype of the interface
- a task description
- a list of the actions a user need to complete the task
- an idea of who the users will be and what experience they have
Also an Evaluator should have these 4 questions in mind:
- Will user know what sub-goal they want to achieve?
- Will user find the action in the interface?
- Will user recognize that it accomplishes the sub-goal?
- Will user understand the feedback of the action?
Quellen :
Video: Müller-Birn, C., Lecture 9-2, LU #8 – Evaluating Techniques I – Human-Computer Interaction I (, Start: 1:40 End: 8:26, retrieved 10.06.2021, 13:00
Slides: 09-2_HCI_Cognitive_Walkthrough (, p.3-5