Assignment 1

In your first assignment, you will decide on the project context and prepare a talk to introduce your project context and your team to your fellow students. It should consist of the following parts:

  • What is the context of your project? On what do you want to focus?
  • What is the problem you are probably going on to solve?
  • Who is on your team?

I suggest the following procedure:

  1. Choose a team name.
  2. Dive into the material provided on the „ePA“ and „DiGA“.
  3. Summarize your insights with a short description (about 150 words).
  4. Please answer the following questions (first part of the Five Ws):
    1. What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
      For example, the registration process is challenging, the privacy policy is not well explained, and the utility of the app is not transparent.
    2. Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
      Why is that an interesting problem?
    3. Who are your intended stakeholders?
      And who might be the indirect stakeholders?
      For example, elderlies, parents, people with a certain illness, etc.

Deliverable: Summarize your answers in a blog post! Use the provided template. Check out the instruction on How to … write a blog post on WordPress?

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