[A1, P3] basics to ePa and DiGA

Teilaufgabe 1: uns ist noch kein Teamname eingefallen 🙁

Teilaufgabe 3: The electronic patient record (ePA) and digital health applications (DiGA) are two digital health initiatives in Germany. The ePA is a digital health record that allows patients to store and share their medical data with their healthcare providers. Patients can use the ePA to manage their medication, access test results, and view their vaccination records. The DiGA is a digital health application that is designed to improve patient health outcomes and are eligible for reimbursement by German health insurance companies. DiGAs can be used to support the treatment of chronic diseases, mental health issues, and other conditions. They can also help patients manage their health and wellbeing through various digital tools, such as tracking their symptoms, providing educational content, and enabling telemedicine consultations. Overall, both ePA and DiGA aim to improve patient care and outcomes in Germany. While ePA focuses on the storage and sharing of medical records, DiGA offers a range of digital tools to support the treatment and management of various health conditions.

Teilaufgabe 4: We decided to do our prject on the DiGA: Smoke Free

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
The Dashboard is overwhelming and overall the app seems to have a lot of functionality that is not explained. We would like to introduce an instruction/tutorial to guide new users through the functionality the app provides.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
we want to make the user experience for the app better, so that people use it for a longer time and reach their goal to stop smoking.

Who are your intended stakeholders?
smokers, health institutions, maybe doctors,


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet? All of us did the research for Task 3 and searched for a fitting DiGA. Anna and Alexandra wrote the blog entry. Henry found the DiGA we want to use,

Was habt ihr gelernt? We improved our knowledge about ePA and DiGA. We learned how to write this blogentry 🙂

Was lief gut? We had a good process to decide on a DiGa for the project

Was möchtet ihr verbessern? We want to improve our communtcation skills, so we can work better together.

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