Assignment 2

In your second assignment, you will reflect on your goals by finalizing the five W and reflecting on your values (Lächeln) Please also take the time and discuss with your team how you want to organize your collaboration.

I suggest the following procedure:

  1. Reflect on the feedback you received in class, the explored stakeholders, and their values.
  2. Read the article on „Humanity-Centered Design and think about the main insights. What values are important for you and your team regarding your project goals. Please describe those in about 100 words.
  3. Dive again into the material on the „ePA“ and on „DiGA“. Please add useful resources.
  4. Please answer the following questions (by reflecting on the feedback received in the exercise):
    1. What is the challenge you would like to tackle?
      For example, the registration process is challenging, the privacy policy is not well explained, and the utility of the app is not transparent.
    2. Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?
      Why is that an interesting problem?
    3. Who are your intended stakeholders?
      And who might be the indirect stakeholders?
      For example, elderlies, parents, people with a certain illness, etc.
    4. Where is your user group interacting with your software?
      For example, at home, in the hospital, or on the go.
    5. When is the user group interacting with your software?
      For example, only when being in the hospital, while biking, or daily in the morning.

Deliverable: Summarize your answers in a blog post again! Use the provided template. Please ensure that the post has a pleasant layout. For example, graphics and images are great

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