[#A4, P1] Weekly Summary

We are still waiting for a response from the Flytta App, so in the meantime we have answered the w-questions we could think of so far, and have done some research into Parkinson and the apps existing to help.

Who are your intended stakeholders?

Direct Stakeholders: Parkinson patients, Medengine, Doctors, Careworkers, Relatives
Indirect Stakeholders: Health insurers, politicians..

Where is your user group interacting with your software?
For example, at home, in the hospital, or on the go.

Everywhere (You wear the watch all the time)
Using the app mostly at home (?)
At the doctors

When is the user group interacting with your software?
For example, only when being in the hospital, while biking, or daily in the morning.

Permanently recording via the watch, medication alerts, on a regular basis to record and keep track of symptoms, to review records individually or with a doctor.

App Landscape

There are many apps that help with some specific aspects of Parkinson disease. Apps that provides movement and speech exercises specifically for Parkinsons, medication plans, symptom diaries, wellbeing tracking or speech analysis. There are few apps that combine many of these thing or use motion tracking. One research project we found is Parkinson mPower that aims to use an app to track motion of people walking and doing basic exercises.


If we don’t get any response from medengine (the company behind the app) soon, we will continue with our initial project of improving the registration process in the ePA apps. We will look at the 5 different processes, and do contextual inquiries with users registering, as well as interviews with the app users, potential app users.

Who contributed what?

We researched and worked together.

What have we learnt?

It might be good to have a backup when relying on external contacts.

What went well?

Coordination of teamwork

What can be improved upon?

We are unsure how to proceed as we are still waiting for a response.

Ein Gedanke zu „[#A4, P1] Weekly Summary“

  1. Liebes Team, vielen Dank für Ihre Flexibilität. Ich frage mich, ob Sie recht haben, dass Ihre Direct Stakeholders: Parkinson patients ***plus*** Medengine, Doctors, Careworkers, Relatives sind. Warum sehen Sie das so? Verstehen Sie den Unterschied zwischen direkten und indirekten Stakeholdern? Schauen Sie sich das am Besten nochmal an.

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