[A5, P5] – Primary Persona

Our Primary (example) persona, is Maria Schmidt, a 47-year-old mother from Berlin, who has Long-Covid and uses the FIMO-APP for three weeks now.


In the morning:
Maria wakes up from the alarm clock at 5:45 a.m., 45 minutes prior to when her kids need to get up. She feels fatigued but has her kids in mind and is therefore determined to make the best of her day.
After 10 minutes in the bathroom, she sits down and opens the FIMO app on her iPhone. She starts by logging her current symptoms and their severity. Afterwords, she follows a 20-minute gentle stretching routine recommended for Long-Covid patients, which has helped her within the last two weeks to have a better start in the day. She logs her exercise and records her energy level.
Then it’s time to get the kids ready for school. Afterward, she is exhausted and needs a break.

In the afternoon:

The symptoms, especially regarding the breathing, are getting quite bad. She opens the app to do a breathing exercise, which leads to a little improvement.
Her kids get home, and she tries to help them with their schoolwork, however the continuous cognitive difficulties lead to her being of little help. She has to take a nap as the fatigue is overwhelming.

In the evening:
At the end of the day, Maria’s kids are already asleep, she lays in bed and takes 5-10minutes and reviews her day by answering the questions in her daily diary/logbook. Afterward, she quickly checks for any new updates or resources on the app, staying informed about the latest research on Long-Covid and related treatments.

General Knowledge Gains

  • 20-30% of FIMO-APP Users are being lost within the first 1-2 weeks
    • it’s yet unclear why exactly
  • Out of the illness options within the registration process of the app (Long Covid, ME/CFS, Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer), only Long Covid is really significant (regarding the cohort size)
  • App will have a completely updated version/Front end by the end of the year
    • integration of the possibility of gamification and nodging
    • patient cohorts average age is approximately 40 years old, the design needs to be adjusted for the age group (e.g.: larger buttons)
  • We gained additional information on user feedback from previous surveys from FIMO itself, regarding the usage of the app and what people use/like/dislike


Wer hat welchen Beitrag geleistet?

Wir waren alle bei dem Interview/Gespräch mit Tim Fellerhoff von der FIMO-APP dabei. Die Persona Akte und den Blogbeitrag hat Hendrik verfasst.

Was habt ihr gelernt?

Es war ein sehr informatives und interessantes Gespräch mit Tim Fellerhoff, wo wir einige neue Einblicke zu der FIMO App und vor allem auch zu den bereits bekannten Schwierigkeiten und Problemen mit der App.

Was lief gut?

Das gemeinsame Gespräch mit Tim Fellerhoff, die Menge an Daten, auch durch andere/interne Umfragen war ausgesprochen hilfreich. Die gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit ist noch ausbaufähig.

Was möchtet ihr verbessern?

Der direkte Kontakt mit Betroffenen, also in Form von Interviews steht weiterhin noch aus und muss gemacht werden.

Ein Gedanke zu „[A5, P5] – Primary Persona“

  1. Liebs Team, vielen Dank für die Erläuterungen. Mich hätte interessiert, inwiefern die Erkenntnisse von Herrn Feller die Persona und das Szenario beeinflusst haben. Hat Ihnen das Treffen und die dabei erhaltenen Informationen geholfen? Finden Sie das Thema spannend, btw? 🙂

    Bei Ihrer Persona habe ich mich gefragt, inwiefern die Eigenschaften besonders für Long-COVID-Patient:innen sind. Könnten Sie dazu etwas sagen?

    Ansonsten Szenario wie üblich stark an der Vorlesung angelehnt. Ok.

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