[#A7, P1] A first Paper Prototype

(1) Summarize the feedback you received on your storyboard.

Our statement doesn’t mention the illness were working with is Parkinsons Disease.

The storyboard lacks a frame for adding a tremor which is important for context.

(2) Develop an interactive paper prototype.

Figma Prototype


We took our storyboard and our sketches as a starting point and implemented screens for the use case of entering data and medication into the diary, and then displaying them for understanding. We based most of the screens on the sketches we had already made. So far the prototype is not very pretty and lacks a lot of the smaller input choices the user could make.

Who contributed what?

We worked on the prototype together.

What have we learnt?

It was fun using a design tool.

What went well?

Coordination of teamwork, our time management was also very good this week.

What can be improved upon?

This week nothing.

Ein Gedanke zu „[#A7, P1] A first Paper Prototype“

  1. Liebes Team, das scheint doch sehr nützliches Feedback gewesen zu sein. Sehr gut. Ich bin gespannt, wie sich das in Ihren weiteren Entwürfen niederschlägt….

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