[#A8, P1] A first Hifi Prototype

(1) List your various requirements elicited from the user research.

  • PwP need to form healthy habits
  • Show PwP correlation between habits and symptoms
  • User wants to see report on their use of the app
  • User need simple way to track risk factors
  • User needs a way to log the medication they take in the app

(2) Decide based on your requirements and the insights from the low-fi prototype-testing what functionality to include in your high-fidelity prototype.


  • Navigation bar symbols are not clear/intuitive
  • Add water button was broken
  • Give confirmation after adding an item
  • The groupings in the medication section were not clear
  • Popup alerts for medication
  • Make water and step counter clickable
  • Left, Right indication when entering tremor
  • Sort symptoms by category


  • Logging water
  • Logging Caffeine
  • Logging Symptoms
  • Logging Medication
  • Water Overview
  • Caffeine Overview
  • Step Overview
  • Medication Overview
  • Symptom Overview
  • Alerts to take Medication
  • Confirmation after adding log
  • Overview per day week and month

(3) Define the major task flow you want to support.

  • Adding a new entry to the diary

User should be able to enter his symptoms, his water intake and his caffeine consumption. He should also be able to log his medication and the time he took it. 

  • Viewing the diary statistics 

The user should be able to access the statistics. There he should get an overview of his water intake, his caffeine consumption, his steps, his symptoms and his medication intake. These graphs should give him an overview of his daily life and give the user feedback. Ideally the user should be able to see correlation between things which gives him more insight into his disease and the affecting factors.

(4) Start building your prototype. The UI should be clearly developed (consider all interaction, visual, and information design)


Ein Gedanke zu „[#A8, P1] A first Hifi Prototype“

  1. Liebes Team, vielen Dank für die strukturierte Aufarbeitung. Ich kann die Punkte alle gut nachvollziehen. Woher haben Sie eigentlich die Anforderungen? Woher kommen diese ursprünglich? Wo haben Sie diese erhalten? In Ihrem Gespräch mit den Flytta-Leuten? Wie dem auch sei, ich denke, Sie sollten nochmal über Ihren HomeScreen nachdenken, denn dieser ist vollkommen unklar. Warum sieht so „Home“ aus? Sie sollten sich Gedanken um einen eingängigen Start-Bildschirm machen.

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