[#A9, P1] Improving after a first heuristic evaluation

(1) Reflect on the results of the heuristic evaluation you conducted in class.

Outstanding – Upcoming – Occasional metaphor is not great.
Alert button not very attention catching.
There is no guide to abstract amounts of water.
While there is a notification for success it has no undo button.
There are no error messages at all.
Adding a medication should also allow for scheduling a new one in the same window.
There is no option to choose a custom time, or custom amount of water.

We need to improve the general user error prevention and error explanation, extend the functionality of some screens. Some of the metaphors are not quite clear in the medication part of the prototype. While there might be some aesthetic issues they are not that critical at the moment.

2) Continue to improve your high-fidelity prototype.

We have implemented:

  • custom time and amount while logging water
  • overview of medication
  • custom time for medication
  • error screen for unimplemented functions
  • undo button in confirmation prompt
  • info button in water log screen (needs some more work)
  • the alert is more prominent
  • changed schedule icon

    We plan to improve the metaphor for the medication logging screen and change it from Upcoming – Outstanding – Occasional, but it still needs more thought we havn’t come up with a better metaphor so far.

    The water info screen is very basic and need more information/function

(3) Prepare another round of heuristic evaluation  (this time you test the interface of another group)

Heuristic Evaluation:


Figma Prototype:


Who contributed what?

We worked on the prototype together.

What have we learnt?

It was fun using a design tool, they are more complex than we first assumed.

What went well?

Coordination of teamwork, our time management was also very good this week.

What can be improved upon?

This week nothing.

Ein Gedanke zu „[#A9, P1] Improving after a first heuristic evaluation“

  1. Liebes Team,
    spannend. Sie haben das Feedback bearbeitet und funktioniert es? Hat das neue Feedback gezeugt, dass es Sinn macht? Es ist wirklich eine interessante Frage, wie man ungenaue Datenaufnahme genauer erheben kann. Ihr Ansatz ist ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung, aber wie kalibieren Sie Ihre Datenaufnahme? Wie stellen Sie sicher, dass mein kleines Glas nicht Ihrem großen Glas entspricht? Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie sich mit Ihrer Lösung noch nicht zufriedengeben. Ach ja, schauen Sie sich nochmal an, ob Ihre Buttons in der Reihenfolge wirklich immer logisch sind. Warum haben Sie (1) taken on time, (2) skipped und dann (3) custom time. Wäre es nicht sinnvoller (1) und (3) als Gruppe und (2) als andere Gruppe zu sehen?

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