[A#2, P1] Working Values


We think it is very important to consider the needs of everyone impacted by the registration process. It’s definitely important to work together with them in making changes, and getting their view and opinions. Insights from a larger group of people with different stakes, could also help better identify underlying problems and finding new solutions. Solving root issues might be hard because some of them might be out of our control or scope, like the process of proving one’s identity via Online-ID or Post-Ident, but is still very important because it can lead to large improvements. First solutions are never perfect so it is important to continuously test and refine with everyone involved.

registration process

What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

We would like to make the registration and activation process for the DAK ePA app simpler and more intuitive. We also want the user to understand the steps he is taking, instead of blindly tapping next.

Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?

The registration process is the first contact a user has with the app. If it’s a complicated process, the user might be discouraged from using the app altogether. Making this process simpler will allow more, less technologically literate people to use the app. These people might also need help and a simpler app is quicker to explain.

Who are your intended stakeholders?

Anyone who needs to register. Those who are interested in wide adoption for efficiency reasons, and quality of care like health insurers, doctors, politicians, care workers, …, developers who want user satisfaction, paramedics needing emergency information, people who have to set up the app for others, hackers looking to find data, people waiting for organ donation, employers, and many others.

Where is your user group interacting with your software?

Visiting the doctor, in medical emergencies, in hospitals, at border crossings, at home, care homes

When is the user group interacting with your software?

Getting diagnosed, getting vaccinated, getting treated, proving vaccination, going to the doctor, checking medication, not being able to go to work, going abroad, proving prescriptions

Who contributed what?

We collected insights and answered the question together. Niklas documented the signup process.

What have we learnt?

There are many many stakeholders involved.

What went well?


What can be improved upon?

It is tiring working when not fully healthy.

Ein Gedanke zu „[A#2, P1] Working Values“

  1. Liebes Team, vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Ich finde es extrem hilfreich, dass Sie den Registrierungsprozess als FlowChart dargestellt haben. Damit wird klar, wie ungefähr der Ablauf ist und in welche Richtung Sie arbeiten werden. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob wirklich alle die von Ihnen aufgezählten Personengruppen mit der App arbeiten. Ich denke, diese sind nur indirekt betroffen, aber werden wahrscheinlich nicht mit der Anwendung interagieren. Oder? Was in Ihrem Post fehlt ist der Review zu dem Artikel von Don Norman zu „Humanity-Centered Design“. Schade. Es ist nämlich spannend, sich das Große Ganze solcher Anwendungen klar zu machen.

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