Assignment 4

Deadline: Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 2 PM

This assignment requires you to develop a persona, scenario, and use cases. Building on that, we will wrap up by (re)framing the problem statement and hypothesis statement using predefined formats during the next lab session.

  1. Based on the feedback from the exercise, conduct three to five interviews.
    • Please document each interview (who you contacted and why). If you were not able to realize your interviews in one week, please use the next weeks. However, you must conduct up to five interviews in the next three weeks!
  2. Analyze your (qualitative) data using affinity diagramming
    • Conserve your clustering results, so you can go back to them if you need or extend them later on. You can use cards (paper) for it or tools such as Invision.
    • Document your process, by saving pictures (screenshots) of different stages of clustering.
  3. Connect your insights from the secondary data analysis and the interviews and review your project goals.
    • Highlight your main insights briefly.

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