Assignment 8

Deadline: Tuesday, 20 June 2023 2 PM
Goals: Exploring your design space: Start building your high-fidelity prototype.

We now start working on the Hifi-Prototypes.

(1) List your various requirements elicited from the user research.

  • This step should be earlier in the process, as you know, but it is useful for focusing your work

(2) Decide based on your requirements and the insights from the low-fi prototype-testing what functionality to include in your high-fidelity prototype.

  • Consider your problem statement
  • What insights did you gain from the testing? What are your main takeaways?
  • Decide on an approach to select the most appropriate requirements (whatever appropriate means in your context)

(3) Define the major task flow you want to support.

  • Based on your scenario, describe at least two major task flows.
  • These descriptions will serve as task descriptions for the evaluators within heuristic evaluation next week.

(4) Start building your prototype. The UI should be clearly developed (consider all interaction, visual, and information design)

  • Ideally, you can iterate on your existing prototype in Figma.

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