Assignment 10

 Deadline: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 2 PM
 Goals: Embracing your design space: Prepare usability test.

(1) Continue to improve your high-fidelity prototype.

(2) Prepare for a summative evaluation

We will conduct usability tests during the time in the lab. There will be guests invited from the Human-Centered Computing (HCC) research group, who will function as usability test participants. Please prepare for this test session accordingly. We will have three test sessions per group. A test session lasts about 25 minutes.

Please recall your experience and takeaways from your first testing session: What are things you would like to do differently this time?

Prepare all documents (script, consent form, …) you will need during the test session:

  • What documents do you need?
  • This time, you will measure the effectiveness using the task completion rate. Please use the provided template (PDF, see below).
  • This time, you will also measure the satisfaction of users, by using a post-task or post-test questionnaire. Please choose independently what suits your project.
  • Which standardized questionnaire did you choose and why?
  • Document your preparation.

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