[#A10, P1] A summative Evaluation

(1) Continue to improve your high-fidelity prototype.





(2) Prepare for a summative evaluation


Hi, ___. My name is Niklas and his name is Alfred, and I’m going to be walking you through this session today. Before we begin, I have some information for you, and I’m going to read it to make sure that I cover everything. You probably already have a good idea of why we asked you here, but let me go over it again briefly. We’re asking people to try using an app design that we’re working on so we can see whether it works as intended. The session should take about 25 minutes. The first thing I want to make clear right away is that we’re testing the design, not you. You can’t do anything wrong here. In fact, this is probably the one place today where you don’t have to worry about making mistakes. As you use the site, I’m going to ask you as much as possible to try to think out loud: to say what you’re looking at, what you’re trying to do, and what you’re thinking. This will be a big help to us. Also, please don’t worry that you’re going to hurt our feelings. We’re doing this to improve the design, so we need to hear your honest reactions. If you have any questions as we go along, just ask them. I may not be able to answer them right away, since we’re interested in how people do when they don’t have someone sitting next to them to help. But if you still have any questions when we’re done I’ll try to answer them then. And if you need to take a break at any point, just let me know. With your permission, we would like to document this session on paper so we can look at it again. If you would, I’m going to ask you to sign a simple permission form for us. It just says that we have your permission to document this session. Great, now we are done with the formalities and can start with the app design.
(Hand the user the prototype)
(Give them one task after the other)
(After each tasks give them the evaluation)


1) Please add a glass of water.

2) Please log a medication you have taken.

3) Please view your water consumption statistics.

4) Please view your medication statistics.

5) Please check your medication schedule for today and tomorrow.

Consent Form:

Coding Form:


The task we have are different from each other and the aspects of the app they test are very different, so a task level questionnaire gives us better insights. We have choosen SEQ, as we like it’s simplicity and believe the information will be sufficient in this case, because the task we have are quite simple and having more questins will make the test slower with a low reward.

Who contributed what?

We prepared the evaluation together. Niklas paid for the printer.

What have we learnt?

The printer service works surprisingly well.

What went well?


What can be improved upon?

Cost per page

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