The funding application was approved! We now have a Mesolithic style hut on our campus and we documented the building process by videorecording it from three different perspectives, so that we now have interactional data for use in EMCA, linguistics, archaeology, architecture, sociology and museum studies. We encourage anyone from those or other fields to get in touch if you are interested in cooperation.
The hut was built by the legendary Wulf Hein and colleagues Cornelia Lauxmann and Ruth Hecker ( with the help of volunteers and was modeled on a local find from Brandenburg. More on the theoretical background of the project can be found here.
The hut project is the start of a new Interaction Lab that is planned to comprise a number of different prehistoric structures to investigate various aspects of social interaction in heritage environments. Follow us on this blog and on Instagram (the.interaction.lab for updates.
Thanks go to the Spotlight program by PROFUND Innovation and to the Department of Philosophy and Humanities for their support. Read about the funding program and other fascinating projects here.