Webex Room: weekly live seminars Mo. 16:00–18:00
Schedule: weekly readings, videos and homework
Course Bibliography
Next Videos:
Syntax I Video I
Syntax I Video II
The regular updates are here. Note that the text is uploaded here this time, see link above.
I showed the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) on Monday, which is possibly the best resource for etymology, meaning, use, and grammatical information about English words, phrases, and morphemes. It also makes extensive use of linguistic terminology, as opposed to your every-day-normal dictionary. Make yourself familiar with it. It should become a staple for you when you do research for your own personal curiosity, study, and later term papers.
You can access the online interface while connected to the FU-VPN, the same you used for the text book on Primo: More information here: https://www.zedat.fu-berlin.de/VPN
As promised, here is a fun video on irregular and regular verb inflection attempting to outline why and how English is losing its old “strong” verbs:
Definitely also check out the Video on Zipf’s Law mentioned in the video for some mind-blowing stuff.