Welcome, new students!

The Linguistics section of the Freie Universität’s English program would like to congratulate you on being accepted into one of the top universities in the country and thank you for choosing us!

Of course, we would like to welcome you in person to our beautiful campus in Berlin’s historic Dahlem district, but the global COVID-19 pandemic has made this impossible. Your first semester at university will take place entirely (or almost entirely) online – through video and audio conferences, blogs, forums, text chats and email.

But don’t worry – we will make sure that your start into university life will be just as interesting, inspiring and personal as it would have been under different circumstances.

In your first semester, you will take two modules – Introduction to English Linguistics and Introduction to Literary Studies. This blog is your starting point for everything related to the first of these modules – check this blog regularly several times a week, and you will always know what to do and where to be at what time!

The module consists of a lecture “Survey of Language and Linguistics” and a seminar “Introduction to Linguistics”. You are all in the same lecture, which takes place on Mondays from 14:15 to 15:45. For further information, simply click on the link “Lecture” in the menu. For the seminars, you have been divided into six groups. To find out more about your seminar, click on the course number of your seminar.

If you are confused, please feel free to send us an email at structeng@fu-berlin.de. Make sure your email contains your full name and your student-id number!

To find out a little bit more about us or to contact us personally, look at the Contact page of this blog.

If you want, you can follow us on Instagram @fu.linguistics for a mixture campus atmosphere, linguistics fun and getting to know us a little better (if you are concerned about your privacy – don’t worry, we will not follow you back or look at your instagram posts unless you specifically ask us!).

Again, welcome to the Freie Universität and have fun!

– The Linguistics group

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