Poster presentation — you’re invited!

Dear all,

My “Levels” students are preparing academic posters on their term-paper projects, to be presented this coming Thursday from 10 o’clock. Everyone interested in what we do in “Levels” and what a term-paper project can look like is invited to join the presentation and discussion.

Where: On Blackboard. Please find a course called “PHILGEIST_Ue_17336_20W: POSTER PRESENTATION Levels Grammar WiSe20/21” and self-enroll. 🙂 You’ll be taken directly to the discussion board where the posters are going to be.

When: Thursday, Feb 18, 2021, from 10 o’clock. Five-minute video presentations will be up on Wednesday already, so if you can’t make Thursday, stop by in your own time, have a look, and don’t hesitate to leave feedback/comments/questions!

Feel free to share this and pass on the invitation. All are welcome!

EDIT: There will be a live discussion as well, forgot to say that. Thursday (tomorrow!), 10-12, my Webex room.

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