Is a syllable a larger or a smaller unit than a morpheme?
(a)The syllable is in general the smaller unit of speech( because it does not have a meaning ).
(b)The morpheme is larger in comparison to the syllable, because it is the meaning-bearing unit of speech.
For example : together
(a)syllable(phonological structure): (to-geth-er)-> /təˈ. ɡɛð. ər/<-(as you see three syllables, just focus on the pronunciation)
(b)morphological structure: {təˈɡɛðər}(can not be splitted because of the meaning, it is just one morpheme)
For example: grandfathers
(a)syllable (phonological structure):(grand-fa-thers)->/ˈɡræn(d) .ˌfɑ: .ðəz/<-(three syllables)
(b)morphological structure: {ˈɡræn(d)} , {fɑ:ðə} , {s/z} <- (three morphemes)