What are modules?
Modules are the framework of the courses you have to take.
See more information in the section “what are modules?”
What different modules do I have to take?
Please see the “study program” section as well as the description of the Modules and Registration section.
How can I fit all this into 2 semesters?
Please see the “study program” and the exemplary timeline. If everything does not work in 2 semesters, it is also not a problem.
What is covered in the different modules?
For descriptions of the mandatory modules, please visit the section on the
“Current Topics of Pharmaceutical Research”
“Key Qualifications for Pharmaceutical Research”
For the elective modules, please visit the section “elective modules” and “special lectures”. Since many of these are offered by external study programs, pleas visit the respective entries in the course catalog.
How to enroll in the modules?
Enrollment or registration is conducted online via Campus Managament.
See the section “Modules and Registration” for more information.
How to find a research project and a master thesis?
In general, the lectures and seminars are very good starting points to get to know the different working group leaders at the institute. They are also a good opportunity to make yourself known.
Please see the section on “research project” and “master thesis” for more information.
Advertised open positions can be found here or in the showcase at the institute.
Who can I contact with further questions?
Please see the “contact & forms” section.