Enrollment into Modules

Deadlines for Module Enrollment/Registration

2 Deadlines for enrollment/registration exist each semester.

  • Deadline 1:
    Registration for courses with limited number of participants
    (usually before the start of the courses)
  • Deadline 2:
    Online registration for courses without limitations of participants
    (usually up to 2-3 weeks into the semester)

Caution: some modules fill up quickly

Current Information on the registration time frames and deadlines can be found here

In the following section, you will find information on:

  • Finding modules in the electronic course catalog
  • Registration via Campus Management
  • Blackboard as Learning Management System
  • How to deal with problems of module registration

Finding different modules in the course catalog

The electronic course catalog is available here:

electronic course catalog FU Berlin


  1. Select the current semester

2. Select the department Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

3. Select Pharmacy>Masterstudiengang Pharmazeutische Forschung>Pharmazeutische Forschung

4. Select “Pflichtbereich” to access the Mandatory Modules

5. Select “Wahlbereich” to access the elective modules.

Please note that you can only select from the shown list of approved modules

Enrollment/Registration via Campus Management

Course registration is available through the online platform Campus Management.

Login Campus Management

General Information Campus Management

How to use the web application (pdf)

How to use Campus management (video)


Balckboard is the online learning management system used at FU Berlin. It can be used to share content, discuss the lectures and other forms of E-Learning.

When you have signed up for a module via Campus Management, you will be automatically added to the Blackboard course.

If you cannot find the respective Blackboard course, it can be that this is not offered for the specific lecture, seminar etc. Also, it might take some time after the semester started until the Blackboard courses are set online.

You can login via your zedat account here:

Blackboard login

Problems upon Enrollment?

For some courses, online registration might not work.
This can be the case for “external” elective modules from other study programs.
To know how to proceed, please contact Dr. B. Kleier at the examination office of pharmacy:

Homepage examination office BCP