How do different situations of home-school interactions relate to trustworthiness assessments?

The paper „Home-school interaction: A vignette study of parents’ views
on situations relevant to trust“ (Bormann/Killus/Niedlich/Würbel) has been accepted for publication in the special issue „Trust in educational settings: European perspectives“ in European Education (forthcoming).


This paper addresses parental trust in schools in relation to different situations of school-based involvement. More precisely, the study seeks to examine how selected situations of parental school-based involvement (parent-teacher conferences and parents’ evenings) are relevant to trust, and what facets of trustworthiness are activated in each situation. In line with the comprehensive model of trust (Niedlich et al., 2021), this study aims at interconnecting two elements: ‘trust among parents and schools’ and ‘promotion of trust’ based on perceptions of trustworthiness as antecedents for trusting behavior. Building upon this model and a prior vignette study on parent trust in different situations of school-based involvement (Bormann et al. 2019), the paper highlights the potential of  further theoretical and methodological developments in educational trust research relevant for both research and practice.