Affinity Diagramming

Affinity Diagramming is one of the techniques for analyzing qualitative data, which refers to non-numeric information such as interview transcripts, notes, video and audio recordings, images and text documents.

Contextual design uses this method by creating a hierarchy of single ideas and observations, in order to better explain common structures and topics.

This method can be resolved into two wholes: sticky notes generation and organizing of them in groups. By generation, we mean that the team members brainstorm and notice their ideas on sticky notes (each). Afterwards, in the organizing part of the process, the team has to sort the notes into categories, give priority to each note, and decide the further steps in design and project research.

Source: LU#03, 03-1_HCI_Elicitating_Requirements.pdf, Slides 23, 24] visited 01.07.2021

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