[A#3, P5] First interactive low-fidelity prototype

(1) Summarize the feedback you received regarding your storyboard.

  • Nur auf Großstädte konzentrieren (vielleicht sogar nur Berlin), weil auf dem Land kennen die meisten Menschen ihre Umgebung schon.
  • Dadurch vielleicht die Schwierigkeitsstufen weglassen und eher die Auswahlmöglichkeit bzgl. schöner Landschaft oder einer kulturellen Tour  anbieten.
  • Angabemöglichkeit einbauen, ob der Nutzer gerne an einem Café, Dönerladen, Denkmal, etc. vorbeikommen möchte.
  • Recherchieren, wo man solche Routen herbekommen könnte. Ggf. Openstreetmap und die Points of Interest in Kategorien unterteilen (kulturell, landschaftlich, etc.)

(2) Develop an interactive paper prototype.

Open link to prototype: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/29hgf98g

Please briefly describe:

  • your prototyping process.

We sat together (online :)) and went through the results of our previous Assignments. We discussed what should be included in this first prototype, how we could implement the above mentioned feedback, and which functionalities should the screen states provide to a user. Then we discussed screen by screen what should be included based on the Storyboard and feedback, and took pen and paper and drew those states. Then we uploaded the screen photos in Marvel App and “programmed” them. 

  • the use case and/or model (task analysis from last assignment) this prototype relates to.

Our Use case describes a user registering an account and logging in to an app, choosing a route, and starting the walk. We have included some changes based on the feedback we have received. 

  • how the storyboard is reflected in your prototype.

The storyboard is heavily reflected in our low-fidelity prototype, in such a way that the prototype itself is based on the storyboard. We have, naturally, expended it and focused a bit more on tiny pieces of each screen state. 

  • self-assessment of potential strengths and weaknesses of this first step into your design space.

In our opinion, our drawing skills are the biggest downside of this whole process. We think we will find it easier and much more motivating to work with online designing tools. However, we realize the importance of walking through the process step by step and making smaller increments with each improvement.

(3) Design rationales

We chose QOS:



We did everything together in a meeting, we discussed each step in detail while one of us shared the screen and used online collaboration tools. Specifically, when talking about the prototype itself, Marc  and Sebastian took care of pen and paper drawings and Milos was putting them together interactively into the Marvel App.


We have learnt the purpose of low-fidelity prototyping in the designing process. We now understand the need for actually working with pen and paper and not diving directly into the pro designing, because it gives us possibilities to reflect and change things on the go.


General team atmosphere and team work is what we find quite well. We are satisfied with how we do the task division – mostly we do it together. Also working with the Marvel App went cool, really nice and simple tool for such prototyping, even though we would probably switch to Figma in the next phases for more complex prototypes. 


We would definitely like to move onto next steps, where we don’t have to use pen and paper actually. Even though we find it useful, it is sometimes hard to collaboratively work on such designs without actually being in the same room. 

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