[#A5, P1] Flytta App

  1. What is the challenge you would like to tackle?

Either the creation of a medication plan, or touchscreen accessibility for PD patients.

  1. Why do you expect your engagement to be useful?

People with tremors might struggle with touch screen inputs but might be able to perform certain gestures better than others.

Especially for PD a medication plan can be quite large but also very important for general wellbeing.

  1. Who are your intended stakeholders?

People suffering from PD, in the case of accessibility features specifically those in a later stage with larger impact on motor function

Medengine, doctors…

  1. Where is your user group interacting with your software?
    For example, at home, in the hospital, or on the go

Anywhere in their daily routine, at the doctors

  1. When is the user group interacting with your software?
    For example, only when being in the hospital, while biking, or daily in the morning

Throughout their day, after taking medication, after having tremors, before and after sleeping, drinking coffee… At the doctors office who can use the collected data to support his diagnosis and treatment plan.



Gunther gets up in the morning and has his breakfast with a cup of coffee, he records both. He sees the medication scheduled for breakfast, takes it and ticks it off. 

He goes outside and does some garten maintenance. He starts getting tremors in one of his hands, records them, and decides to quit for now.

He has lunch with his wife after which he records his food and water intake again.

They sit down to play a boardgame and after a while he is reminded to take his afternoon medication.

When his kids come home he helps them with their homework. When they’re finished they go out to the wood shop to continue working on an old desk for their room, he has some light tremors in his leg and records those too.

After having tea before going to bed he takes some more medication and turns on the sleep tracking, the app shows him how many steps he has taken today, he is a little disappointed, maybe he’ll go pick up his kids from school tomorrow.

Who contributed what?

We researched and worked together.

What have we learnt?

It can be tiring at times.

What went well?

Coordination of teamwork

What can be improved upon?

Not realy an improvement but we could do with more time.

Ein Gedanke zu „[#A5, P1] Flytta App“

  1. Liebes Team, sehr gut, Sie haben Ihre Zielsetzung nochmal reflekiert. Interessant ist insbesondere dieser Kommentar:

    „People with tremors might struggle with touch screen inputs but might be able to perform certain gestures better than others.“ Ich bin gespannt, wie Sie das später umsetzen. Szenario und Persona passt. Auch wenn ich zukünftig untersagen werde, dass das Szenario dem Szenario in der Vorlesung zu ähnlich wird. Ich verstehe nicht, warum der Tagesablauf bei Ihnen wichtig ist? Wäre nicht auch eine Situation beim Arzt denkbar? Wie dem auch sei, Ihre Persona ist leicht inkonsistent. Eine Person die mehr denkt, judged wahrscheinlich eher und verlässt sich weniger auf ihre Intuition. Es gibt hier so decision making styles…. wie dem auch sei.

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