Assignment 6

    Deadline: Tuesday, 6 June 2023 2 PM
    Goals: Understanding your design space: create a storyboard

This assignment gives you the chance to deepen your knowledge in conceptual model building focusing on tasks. Furthermore, you will create a first prototype in the form of a storyboard.

(1) Formulate a problem and hypothesis statement and document it.

Please use the template (shown in class) introduced in the lab session:


[The name of your PRIMARY persona] needs a way to[user’s need] because [insight/goal]. We will know this to be true when we see: this quantitative/qualitative measure.


We believe that by [doing this / building this feature / creating this experience] for[the name of your primary persona], we will achieve [this quantitative/qualitative outcome].

(2) Create individual sketches.

  • Now it is time for solutions and first drawings!
  • Step 1: Look at your persona, your scenario and reflect on your problem/hypothesis statement, and focus!
  • Step 2: Each person in the team is drawing on paper (drawing on a tablet is also okay!) a solution he/she thinks would solve your problem.
  • Justify your first design rationales by documenting them using QOC.

(3) Share your sketches with your team.

  • Each person should present his/her first drawing to the other team members.
  • Select features and ideas you think should be part of your prototype.
  • You can use the dot-voting method again to make faster decisions.

(3) Condense your results from the previous step into a storyboard.

  • Check out the examples and hints on storyboards on the web…
  • You should not spend too much time with it, and your solution does not need to be perfect. We will continue working on that!
  • Synthesize your design rationales and document them using QOC.
  • This step aims to explain your idea/solution using the storyboard to your fellow students.

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