Assignment 7

Deadline: Tuesday, 13 June 2023 2 PM
Goals: Understanding your design space: create an interactive low-fi prototype

By now, you have developed a thorough understanding of your project in terms of users, context, and tasks. You have also developed a good understanding of the problem you are trying to solve and an idea of what your solution might look like. Now we put it all together and enter the design space! You will begin to build your first testable prototype.

(1) Summarize the feedback you received on your storyboard.

During the last lab session, you collected feedback from your peers. Please summarize the feedback and document which feedback you will incorporate into your prototype.

(2) Develop an interactive paper prototype.

You will develop a low-fidelity interactive prototype that represents multiple states or views. Think about your persona who wants to use your product: What are the minimum needs of your persona? What are the must-haves?

Please describe briefly:

  • Your prototyping process.
  • The use case this prototype addresses.
  • How the storyboard is reflected in your prototype.
  • A self-assessment of the potential strengths and weaknesses of this first step into your design space.

Please make sure that your prototype is clickable and that other people can access your prototype for testing. Please don’t worry about what your prototype looks like! It is not about how nice things look, but about communicating a general idea and the main functionality.


Suggested process: Do just one more round on paper or a pad. Make photos and link your screens using:

  • Marvel POP (Prototyping on Paper)
    App for iPhone or Android
    This would be just enough for now and has everything to make your photos/screens interactive.
  • Marvel
    Web application
    One free project with max. 6 team members.
  • Figma
    Web application
    One free team project!
  • Invision (Prototype)
    Web application
    One free project with collaborators,

Other tools to consider: Sketch (Mac only!), AdobeXDAxure (30 day trial), Balsamiq (only a 30 day trial).

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