The experience of science

[This is an old  draft]

What is it like to you?

As a warm up, here is a first description:

It’s the experience if discerning a path of understanding you hadn’t noticed before, and feeling a clear tinge of anxiety from knowing the path doesn’t lead to any place you are familiar with, and simultaneously feeling a great calm from the certainty that you can map this particular path and other people can take it too.


NB: The description of the experience of science deserves a space of its own on In case of Peace.  We hope to collect lots of different accounts from fellow scientists … That said, the priority of In case of Peace is not to describe the experience of science to you but to make you experience it first hand.

Why scientists should care if the sheep ate the flower or not

[⚠ This is a misleading draft]

Regardez le ciel. Demandez-vous: le mouton oui ou non a-t-il mangé la fleur? Et vous verrez comme tout change… Et aucune grande personne ne comprendra jamais que ça a tellement d’importance!




Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince

Continue reading “Why scientists should care if the sheep ate the flower or not”

In case of peace?

2. Inevitable things like sex and science

[This is a draft]

Why is science per se bound to be made?

One part of the explanation is very ordinary. Humans who are brought together repeatedly in the practice of a particular activity – whether it be cricket, family dinners, anarchism, warfare, wrestling or martial arts – necessarily end up establishing grounds rules – tacit or explicit – to serve the purpose of their common practice. Science is no exception.

Actually, science is an exception. A very big one. Continue reading “In case of peace?”