About & Contact

Alongside with the COVID-19 pandemic we observe the spread of awareness, various opinions on risks on the Internet. At  System Modeling Group, Freie Universität Berlin we analyze the topology and content news and posts in social media (Twitter and Telegram, etc.) German speaking countries.

Project leader

Prof. Vitaly Belik, vitaly.belik[at]fu-berlin.de


Andrzej Jarynowski, a.jarynowski[at]fu-berlin.de


Prof. Anna Zakharova, Technische Universität Berlin, anna.zakharova [at ]tu-berlin.de

Univ.-Prof. André Karch, Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine University of Münster akarch[]uni-muenster.de

Prof. Alexander Semenov, University of Florida asemenov[at]ufl.edu
(An expert in machine learning, optimization, and network science)

Dr. Monika Wójta-Kempa, Chief of Medical Sociology Department, Wroclaw Medical University, monika.wojta-kempa[at]umed.wroc.pl
(An expert in public health with a sociological background)

Dr. Daniel Płatek, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, dplatek21[at]gmail.com
(An expert in social movements with a sociological background)