This is it!

Dear all,

our introductory course to linguistics is over after fourteen weeks filled with discussions about phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text linguistics, and historical linguistics. Great job everyone!

If you want to anonymously tell me about something you particularly liked or disliked about this session, you can do that using this feedback form.

For those of you who haven’t filled out the official evaluation form (also anonymous) for the whole seminar (17309) yet, you can do that here. You will need the following password to submit the form: Afbimwetar

As announced earlier, the resit will take place from 15 March, 12:00, to 22 March, 12:00. We will contact those of you who need to attend.

Just as during the lecture period, don’t hesitate to contact me during the term break as well if you want to talk about anything.

Enjoy the term break!

Best wishes,


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