Guest-edited special issue on „Trust in educational settings…“ has been published in European Education

The special issue „Trust in Educational Settings. European Perspectives“ (guest editors Inka Bormann, Sebastian Niedlich, Iris Würbel) has been published in European Education, vol. 53 (3-4).
All the nine papers from five European countries are now available online:

  1. Trust in educational settings – what it is and why it matters. European perspectives (Inka Bormann/Sebastian Niedlich/Iris Würbel)
  2. Cross-national analysis of education and trust – context, comparability and causal mechanisms (Sebastian Niedlich)
  3. Home–School Interaction: A Vignette Study of Parents’ Views on Situations Relevant to Trust (Inka Bormann/Dagmar Killus/Sebastian Niedlich/Iris Würbel)
  4. Parental Trust in Teachers and Children’s Interest in Reading and Math: A Longitudinal Study (Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen/Eija Pakarinen)
  5. Students’ Autonomous and Controlled Motivation in Different School Contexts: The Role of Trust (Mieke Van Houtte)
  6. (Re)-Building Educational Trust: Young NEET and the Importance of Trust Relations (Anne Görlich)
  7. Issues of Trust in the Implementation of Inclusion in Czech Schools (Bohumira Lazarova/Milan Pol)
  8. Trust in Finnish Education: A Historical Perspective (Jussi Välimaa)
  9.  Trust in Educational Settings: Insights and Emerging Research Questions (Inka Bormann/Sebastian Niedlich/Iris Würbel)