[A#1, P6] Go Walkies!


Who did what?

After getting to know each other in the team, we soon recognized some common interests. We brainstormed 10 minutes to the general topics sport and pets. With that we got some vague ideas for a new application.
Ailis coordinated the team and its tasks. Aljoscha mainly wrote the blogpost. Hanna filled in blanks and formulated this project pitch. Everone operated everywhere, one could say.

What did we learn?

First of all we got to know each other. Then there were new tools to discover for working together (as well in writing as viva voce).

What went well?

The communication in the team works really well. We have a nice team dynamic and enjoy working together. We collaborate on tasks – live within meetings as well as seperately with collaboration tools (like cryptpad).

What do we want to improve?

The time management in the slot on Tuesday could need a little improvement.

Autor: Ailis Oßwald

Master Studium in Informatik an der FU Berlin

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