[A#2, P2] Datenerhebung – Planung und Durchführung


Who did what?

The questionnaire questions were created by all of us equally and also transfered into the questionnaire website, which Nirmin found online.

Everyone shared the questionnaire with their relatives and friends to get enough data for the evaluation.

We had three meetings for Assignment 2.

  1. Meeting:
    • In the first meeting we set our goals for the data gathering and agreed on 2 data gathering methods: Questionnaire and semi-structured Interview.
  2. Meeting
    • In the second meeting we prepared the quesions for our questionnaire and agreed which person we would like to interview.
  3. Meeting
    • In the last meeting we conducted the interview, took notes and wrote the blogpost.

What did we learn?

We learned how to structure a questionnaire and how to conduct an interview and what to do better next time.

What went well?

We found enough participants for the questionnaire and were all able to be present for the interview.

What do we want to improve?

After getting responses from a few participants we realised that a few questions were misleading. The next time we need to improve that by having an external reviewer who reads the questions to avoid any possible misunderstanding.

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