Hierarchical Task Analysis

…  is used to build a hierarchy of sub-tasks from a task. It was originally used in manufacturing industry to create good training steps. CS-students might think of the result of HTA as a tree, where the nodes are sub-tasks which consist of input conditions (necessary to activate node) and actions, which both together achieve the goal, leading to a feedback.

You might use four heuristic questions to fine-grain sub-tasks:

  • paired actions: Are there additional actions which complete one action?
  • restructure: Can I merge two similar sub-tasks?
  • Balance: Are all sub-tasks similarly abstract?
  • Generalize: Can sub-task be rephrased to its repeatable?


[1]  Annett, J. (2003). Hierarchical task analysis. In E. Hollnagel (Ed.), Handbook of Cognitive Task Design. (pp. 17-35). Erlbaum Mahwah, NJ. https://mycourses.aalto.fi/pluginfile.php/614499/mod_resource/content/1/Annett_2003.pdf

[2] Müller-Birn, C., Vorlesung „Human-Computer Interaction I“, Foliensatz „Conceptual Models: Task Focus“

(von Daniel Stachnik)

Autor: Daniel Stachnik

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