[A#2, P5] Sleepy Heads – Data Gathering

Our Plan

1. What are the goals of our data gathering session? What do we want to find out?

Our goal is to find out the requirements of the target group for such an application and what possible functions there are that we haven’t taken into consideration yet. We would also like to find out about the process at sleep labs and how the data collection is done.

2. What kind of people do we want to gather data from? Who are our participants?

Our participant is a person from our target group, who has been struggling with sleeping problems for many years and has also previously had experience with sleeping labs. Our participant is 27 years old and is not currently studying or working.

3. What is our data gathering method?

Which method will we be using and why?
We will be gathering data by conducting an in-depth interview with a person from our target group. As an additional data gathering method, we will be analysing existing sleep-tracking apps.

What type of interview?

What kind of data do we want to gather?
Qualitative detailed data

4. How we decided to handle the topics pilot study & data recording?

We will conduct a pilot study with someone from a closer circle (as in a friend or family member) in order to make sure all questions are clear and understandable.

The data recording will be done via 1 interviewer and 2 recording clerks. If possible, the interview will also be recorded.

Preparation and conduction of our in-depth interview

1. Where to find our interview script?

You can find our interview script on page 2 of this blog post.

2. How we decided to conduct the interview?

Who took notes?
Angelika and Yasemin took notes. (We had decided to have 2 recording clerks instead of 1 to make sure we don’t miss out on any information if the interview is not recorded.)

Who asked the questions?
Tanita, as she knows the interviewee, we decided this would be best in order to make the interviewee feel as comfortable as possible during the interview.

3. Where to find the collected data?

You can find a summary of the collected data on page 2 of this blog post.

Conduction of one other data gathering method

1. What method did we choose and what type of data did we decide to gather?

We decided to conduct a market analysis to collect further data on our topic.
The questions that most interested us during this analysis where what our competition is doing and what we could do to outshine them.

2. Where to find the collected data?

You can find a summary of the collected data on page 2 of this blog post.

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