[A#3, P2] Conceptual Model for User & Context


Who made what contribution?

We worked as a group and continued meeting twice a week to finish all assignments and the blogpost together. We had to make a very long meeting because the tasks included a lot of work this week. Furthermore, we used a mix of discord voice, screen sharing and google docs.

The use case diagrams were created separately from each other after talking about how we imagine the app to work. Once we finished each use case diagram we talked about a few small changes and agreed on the reworked diagrams on the previous page.

Learning & Take-Aways

  • We learned that analyzing data is not an easy mission that can be done quickly.
  • After analyzing the data we got a better idea about how our app can be more useful for our users.
  • We learned how to group our potential users in a smaller group and then make a persona for each group
  • We learned more about how to give the collected data an order by using affiliate diagrams. 
  • Thinking about specific Scenarios for our app made us more confident with our application idea
  • Use case diagrams helps us understand how a user might interact with our system. Also, it helps us as a team to define and organize requirements. 
  • While creating our use case diagrams we faced the problem with keeping our diagram as minimal as possible

What went well?

Everything went this week very well.

Improvement and Concern

A concern is that for our first interview our target audience may not have been specific enough which would lead to possibly needing another interview with a more specific target for example a person with several allergies or a very restrictive diet.

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